Dry and very hot, July record. In Ticino 2.4 degrees more than the norm!


LOCARNO – It's hot, it's hot, it's hot. Who did not hear it this morning? And yesterday, and the day before yesterday. In Ticino, and not only, we gasp, the TV speaks of heat wave, measures (like not to expose to the sun during the hottest hours, just what the tanning fans, whatever the risks, the warm weeks

And this month of July which is about to end, in fact, is a record.It should be noted that rainfall, despite storms often violent, are also rare compared to the average and the needs A month of July which enters the last ten years the driest

The temperatures are so high.It is what knows Locarno Monti, since it measures since, since 1864, it will be again one of the hottest ten months of July, even of third place.

To get an idea, in Ticino it is 2.4 degrees above reference standards (calculated between 1864 and 2010) in terms of temperatures, in Zion even 3.3 degrees more are recorded! Throughout the country, the period considered in 2018 averaged 1.9 degrees warmer

The extreme heat wave, according to experts, will extend at least until August 4, from so that the whole week in progress: the drought will certainly ruin some holiday for Christmas of the country, given the ban on lighting outdoor fires and so also the choice not to make fireworks in many places.

Even a vademecum was published on how to cope with this period:

"The Health and Environment Operational Group (GOSA) of the Department of Health and Social Affairs invites the population to protect themselves during the extreme heat wave announced by MeteoSwiss and will last several days.

The GOSA recalls that, in case of extreme heat wave, even healthy people can suffer severe discomfort.

In case of Exposure to high temperatures and for a prolonged period, the body or it can not dissipate excessive heat and serious diseases may appear, including the collapse of heat and heat stroke. in particular, are not necessarily related to direct sun exposure, but may, for example, occur when people are in closed, poorly ventilated rooms with temperatures and high humidity, so it is appropriate that, during these special days, all take into consideration some simple recommendations:

– drink plenty of water and eat light meals with lots of fruits and vegetables 

– avoid intense efforts during the hours of greatest insolation 11 and 18) 

– prevent heat from entering dwellings, darken windows during the day and ventilate during the night 

– stay in home or in cool areas and, if possible, in air-conditioned rooms hours more sun 

– adequately protect the skin from the harmful effects of the sun with proper clothing and sunscreen, while reducing the sun Sun exposure 

– check whether there are people in the sun neighbors, relatives, acquaintances who need help to cope with heat waves

Individuals Mostly susceptible to heatwave – such as infants, young children, pregnant women, the elderly, frail people, people with chronic diseases and / or taking regular medications – it is also advisable:

– maintain a adequate hydration 

– refresh yourself often 

– consult your doctor or pharmacist if necessary 

– in case of emergency, call 144 •

. for frail elderly people: alert neighbors or social services if you are having a quiet time

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