Early retirement 2019: what changes


Early Retirement Expenses, 100, 41, 64, Early, Nocturnal and Tired Jobs, Bee, Women's Option: Requirements for 2019.

Requirements for an Extended Early Retirement of 5 Months in 2019, both Regular and ease: from 1 January 2019, it will be possible to leave work with 43 years and 3 months of contributions (42 years and 3 months for women), or with 64 years and 20 years of contribution or, once again , with 41 years and 5 months of contributions if you are an early worker. Early retirement can then be achieved even with the free accumulation of credited contributions to the various social security schemes. However, new benefits are in progress: for 2019, in fact, the introduction of the new early retirement premium of 100 is envisaged, with a minimum of 64 years and 36 years of contribution. The early retirement tax 41, which can, as we have just seen, be attained with 41 years and 5 months of contributions, should also be extended to workers who are not in advance. The Donna option should also be extended and a new backup introduced, the ninth. Throughout the year 2019, it will still be possible to apply for the voluntary APE and the requirements for the early retirement pension will remain unchanged, while the social bee will only be not extended. We then make the complete declaration of the situation on early retirement 2019: what changes new requirements, such as new pensions facilitated, will be introduced and canceled

early retirement 2019

in 2019 may take advantage of the early retirement which may affirm, among all the social security schemes to which it is or has been registered, a total of contributions equal to:

  • 43 years and 3 months, if the man
  • 42 years and 3 months, if the woman

The requirement should thereafter increase by three months every two years, unless the increases in expectation of life are not deferred from those envisaged; if there is a reduction in life expectancy, the requirement is not increased

The ordinary early retirement pension, like all pension benefits, is calculated according to the system:

  • pay up to December 31, 2011, then contribution, for those who have at least 18 years of contributions on December 31, 1995,
  • pay up to December 31, 1995, and then contributory, for those who have less than 18 years of contributions as at 31 December 1995,
  • no contributions on 31 December 1995.

No penalty is applied.

Early retirement bonus 100

The early retirement tax 100, which should be introduced shortly, provides for the possibility of leaving work when the quota, ie the sum of Age and contribution is equal to 100. All those whose quota is equal to 100 can not, however, retire with the 100 quota, but will be able to obtain treatment only at a minimum age of 64 and contribution of 36 years

No pension, therefore, for those who have the quota 100 with 60 years and 40 years of contributions, nor for those who have 35 years of contributions and 65 years: the minimum age and the Contribution requirement must be respected

With regard to the calculation of the pension, in the most recent proposals, the new contributory calculation was provided for the years beginning in 1996. It does not so not a contributive calculation of the entire treatment, but of a callus partial, only pension amounts from 1 January 1996. This change will not change anything for taxpayers who are entitled to the calculation of the mixed pension (salary up to 31 December 1995, then contributory, since they have less than 18 years of contributions as of December 31, 1995), but could result in significant penalties. that are not relevant to those who, having at least 18 years of contributions as of December 31, 1995, are entitled to earnings until December 31, 2011.

In most cases, the contributory calculation of the pension is penalizing in relation to the calculation of the salary, because, if it is based on the most recent incomes, or on the best income, the contributive calculation is based on the contributions actually credited during the working life. The salary calculation takes into account wages, which are re-evaluated with appropriate coefficients, while the calculation of the contribution calculates only the contributions, which are rebadessed according to the Italian GDP trend (the capital increases are therefore very low). .

However, there are cases where the contributory calculation is more important than the salary: this happens, for example, when the INPS management in which the worker is enrolled does not take into account the better income. , but of the last years

Early retirees at the beginning of the year 2019

I beginners that is to say those who contributed at least 12 months before the end of active life. 19 years old, can get early retirement with 41 years and 5 months of contributions if they belong or one of the protected categories: unemployed, disabled at least 74%, caregivers (those who have been badisting for at least 6 months, a second-degree family member cohabiting with a severe disability) and heavy workers.

For each of these categories, specific requirements are provided in order to obtain early early retirement. For those who meet the requirements by December 31, 2018, it is possible to send the application by March 1, 2019, although late applications can be considered until November 30, 2019. For those who meet the requirements by December 31, 2019, there will be time until March 1, 2020 to send the application, and the badessment of late applications will remain open until November 30, 2020, and so on, from year to year, since the benefit is structural. ] Early Retirement Bonus 41

The possibility of obtaining a pension with 41 years and 5 months of contributions, according to current proposals, should also be extended to non-prime workers . At the beginning, it should be reserved for protected categories only, then extended to all workers

64 years of early retirement

Who is entitled to the calculation of the fully contributory pension can obtain, in 2019, early retirement at 64 years old . It is the anticipated contributory pension which can be obtained in 2019 with the following conditions:

  • at least 64 years of age;
  • at least 20 years of contributions;
  • a retirement allowance equal to at least 2.8 times the social allowance, or 1268.40 euros per month (value valid for the year 2018, it is not yet possible to whether in 2019 the social allowance, at present Recall that the workers who are entitled to the calculation of the full contribution pension and who can claim the early retirement pension are those who:

    Option d 39 Donna extension [19659004] In 2019, in all likelihood, the woman option will be extended, a special preferential pension reserved only for women workers, who can significantly anticipate the exit from work in exchange for the contributory recalculation of the benefit.

    today, to be able to retire with the Donna option, the age requirements must be met:

    • for women, you must have reached 57 years and 7 months at the age of 31 July 2016 and 35 years of contributions on 31 December 2015; from the due date of the last condition of the liquidation of the pension, a waiting period of 12 months is planned for this period,
    • for self-employed women, it is necessary to have reached the Age 58 years and 7 months. July 31, 2016 and 35 years of contributions as at December 31, 2015; from the date of expiry of the last obligation to the liquidation of the pension, one expects a waiting period of 18 months

    In practice, the employees who have reached the age of 57 and the self-employed who have reached the age of 58 as of December 31, 2015, have 35 years of contributions at the same date.

    With the extension of the option woman we would like to make this structural treatment, thus allowing to obtain the pension for all workers having a minimum of 57 years and 7 months (or 58 years and 7 months), able to adapt to life expectancy, and 35 years of contributions

    Other proposals speak rather of a higher age for Access to the woman option, equal to 63, but with fewer penalties related to the calculation of the pension.

    Nona salvaguardia

    Among the various interventions aimed at limiting the negative consequences of the Fornero law was the extension, for 2019, safeguarding interventions is also issued

    In particular, a Ninth safeguard should be implemented to allow retirement with the old rules, that is to say with the rules before the entry into force of the Fornero law: from year to year year, starting from 2012, date of entry into force of the Fornero reform, there were eight successive safeguarding decrees

    The ninth safeguard should protect the same categories of beneficiaries as the last safeguard, C & # 39; is:

    Voluntary Bee 2019

    In 2019 the volunteer Ape, that is to say the early retirement which allows the exit from work at 3 years and 7 months, can still be asked to advance on the accumulation of exigencies old age pension

    The voluntary bee is obtained by a bank loan, the so-called pension, a loan that must be repaid in 20 years, once the conditions of the pension have been met

    Treatment is tax free: this means that the monthly allowance received by Ape does not have any withholding tax as it is not taxed.

    The voluntary Ape, unlike the social A, that is to say the state-paid advance, is not the same as the future pension ( capped at 1500 euros), but may happen:

    • at 75% of the monthly amount of pension treatment, if the duration of the disbursement of the BE is greater than 36 months,
    • at 80% of the monthly amount of the pension, if the duration of the disbursement of the BE is greater than 24 and equal to or less than 36 months
    • to 85% of the monthly amount of the pension, if the duration of the disbursement of the Ape is between 12 and 24 months, [19659007] to 90% of the monthly amount of the pension, if the duration the payment of the EPA is less than 12 months. [19659007] The Ape volunteer determines a reduction of the future pension: the penalty is not only due to the repayment costs of a pension loan, but also to the compulsory insurance of the risk of premoralisation and to the contribution to the guarantee fund.

      Goodbye to the social monkey

      The social bee will not be extended, it is the state-paid pension advance. The last opportunity to send requests for this discount expires on July 15, 2018, but late requests can be sent until November 30, 2018. To find out what requirements are needed to access the facilitation: Social bee, the requirements. 19659054] Pension for the tired and nocturnal initiates

    Finally, in 2019, the conditions of access to the preferential pension for the persons in charge of the wear and the night teams remain unchanged. It will be remembered that this retirement pension can be reached with a minimum of 35 years of contributions and 61 years and 7 months.

    In detail, to obtain the retirement pension, the worker must mature. requirements, valid until 31 December 2026 (adjustments to life expectancy are not applicable):

      • at least 61 years and 7 months
      • at least 35 years old Contributions.

    From the maturation of the requirements to the liquidation of the pension it is no longer necessary to wait for the so-called counter, equal to 12 months for employees and 18 months for self-employed, because it has been abolished by the finance law 2017.

    concerned also contributions from work autonomous, the requirements are increased by one year

    Employees entitled to night shifts have right to retirement pensions, but the quotas are different according to ] Number of nights worked during the year

    For more information: Pension for tired workers and teams of night

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