Eat by bed bugs on vacation in a luxury resort


A dramatic story that we will tell you in Wales. A vacation in a luxury resort is ended in a nightmare for a woman who was eaten by bed bugs on vacation . A nightmare for a mother from Wales who had to live a relaxing stay with her friends who turned into hell. Leesa Deansi is the name of the woman who ended up with dozens of bedbugs after sleeping at the Prestatyn Holiday Park in North Wales after paying a very large sum.

1300 for a hotel in which he also found droppings of mice, mold on window sills, dirty dishes in the sink and rotten food left in the kitchen. The woman decided to continue the party would have thought to clean her room, before the cleaning service can intervene but she never thought to be bitten by insects.

The woman first thought of an allergic reaction so she realized that what had really happened to her was something else. " It was disgusting.I complained at the front desk, but we were told that there would be no cleaning service until the next day. Our only option was to go to a nearby supermarket to buy some products and clean everything ourselves.I had the body on fire, I had to stop every few minutes to put the cream and soothe the pain Fortunately, I was able to show myself immediately to my doctor because I was dying. "

Bed bugs would cause not only a nuisance, but also an aesthetic problem and an infection. The hotel would have apologized to the guests and said that it will start an internal investigation to understand what happened but for the unfortunate there will be no compensation

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