eBay Italy, 121 millionaires sellers mainly in the South


Ebay Italy confirmed that in 2017 more than 121 online activities on its platform had revenues in excess of $ 1 million – at the exchange rate of 858 thousand 39; euros. In short, Italian e-commerce looks healthy and continues to grow, up 5% from 2016 and up 15% from two years earlier.

A detail not to be underestimated successful eBay resellers reside in the South (48%) while the North (28%) and the Center (24%) are rather late. At the regional level, Campania stands out with 25%, followed by Lombardy with 17%, followed by Sicily and Puglia with 10% and 9% respectively


"A positive trend that shows how Electronic commerce can be a fundamental lever for doing business, even in contexts where traditional entrepreneurship is struggling to take off, "eBay points out." Figures that confirm that the South is increasingly a laboratory in which new ways of do business are successfully experimented. "

The most successful areas of" millionaires "are the 'Consumer Electronics' (38%) followed by home and furniture (32%) , up from previous years, the Auto Parts and Motorcycles (23%) and Clothing (7%) rankings have been closed, and they undoubtedly also contribute to sales abroad, with nearly 7 salespeople out of 10 sell their products Abroad, in short, the boom is not just related to Black Friday.

"We are particularly pleased to see that the number of millionaire sellers on eBay.it is increasing year by year. These data show that our platform is becoming more of a facilitator and a Susana Voces, director General eBay in Italy and Spain

"The fact that there are millionaires spread all over Italy, with a good concentration in the South, shows how much e-commerce is now a fundamental resource for all companies, these figures encourage us to work even harder to guarantee our more than 35,000 Italian professional sellers a platform that will allow them not only to easily start an online business, but also to grow it over time to reach a significant size and business figure, as evidence of how e-commerce can be a fundamental support to the business. epreneuriat ". [19659008] [ad_2]
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