Egypt: explosion and fire near Cairo airport


An attack was to be feared but a double tank exploded in the fuel depot 13 July 2018 – adj. As reported by colleagues of Rai News, to unleash the explosion would have been precisely the particularly "suffocating" climate of those days. In Cairo the weather report indicated more than 34 degrees Celsius, but during the day in this area, the temperature was even higher. According to press sources, at least two people were injured. The authorities have launched an investigation, and the investigation will quantify the damage caused by the accident, and most importantly, it will be understood if there are officials. The spokesman then explained to the media that Heliopolis company belongs to the Ministry of the Military Industry. Both fell from a control tower for the movement of the air. The operations, said the minister in charge of civil aviation, are "held regularly" and were interrupted only a few minutes immediately after the explosion .

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In the following stages to the blast and while the flames were rising from both cisterns, the first news broadcast by the Saudi emperor Al Arabiya was contradictory.

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