Egypt, new attack on Christians: seven Copts killed


A new attempt terrorist bloodEgypt. And again, it's me Coptic Christians to be targeted. The estimated budget is seven dead and 14 wounded. The terrorists hit a bus carrying Coptic worshipers heading for the monastery of San Samuel the Confessor, in the governorate of Minya, 250 kilometers south of Cairo.

An Egyptian security official confirmed to local media that the attack had caused "deaths and injuries". And the first review by the Islamic State has arrived.

What is certain is that Egypt is again bathed in the blood of the Copts. A year ago, in May, more than 30 people were killed in a similar attack, still against a bus of pilgrimage. Even on this occasion, the attack was claimed by the so-called person Islamic State. The region has been repeatedly affected by Islamic terrorists because it is one of the most densely populated areas in Egypt, so much so that in the Minya region, about 50% of the population is Christian. and Coptic. Along the Nile, in the center of Egypt, several thousand-year-old monasteries recall the ancient remains of Coptic Christianity on Egyptian soil.

As you remember La Stampa, again in 2017, but in April, "the Islamists mbadacred the faithful on Palm Sunday in a church in Tanta, in the Nile Delta, another region with a strong Christian component"On this occasion, President Abdel Fatah al-Sisi ensured the establishment of all the necessary forces to eliminate terrorism and defend the Copts. on his Twitter account: "I wish the wounded a speedy recovery and confirm our determination to continue our efforts to fight terrorism. This incident – he adds – will not affect the will of our country to continue the battle for survival and construction".

But the blood continues to flow and does not seem destined to be interrupted in the short term. And Egypt, once a land of encounter between Islam and Christianity, is struck by Islamic terrorism.

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