Eighteen years, the pm theorem falls: the deposit was asked for Salvini


He was already hesitating when it was put in place to counter the closed ports policy put in place by Matteo Salvini. Now he's completely collapsed on the ground. Today, the prosecutor of Catania, Carmelo Zuccaro, in fact informed the deputy premier of the Northern League that he had requested the filing of the facts disputed by another prosecutor, that of Argigento, Luigi Patronaggio. At the center of the investigation, the hard fist used by the Minister of the Interior to handle the ship's tear Diciotti which, contrary to government orders, had embarked illegal immigrants off the coast of Libya. "It's good news for me – the owner of the Viminale smiles – the owls of the social centers will be beaten".

On Facebook, Salvini, who has always said that he was certain to have operated according to Italian law, was pleased with the decision made by Zuccaro. "Joy and satisfaction"commented after the opening, live on the social network (see video), the yellow envelope sealed by the prosecutors of Catania who arrived at the office this morning. "Will I be acquitted or the subject of an investigation?"he wondered before reading the contents of the document. The request for archiving sends all these charges perfectly installed in the attic after the stand-off between Salvini and a certain magistracy in charge of the management of the office. illegal immigrants that they were aboard the ship of the Italian Coast Guard and that the leader of the Viminale always refused to land in Italy. "Now – says Facebook live – I'm taking coffee, I'm putting on the jacket, I'm putting out the canvas and, as a free person, I've no longer investigated and I'm going back to my job". However, the bitterness remains in the mouth for a survey conducted several months. "But the Agrigento prosecutor because he investigated? – asks the head of the Northern League – how much did this investigation cost? How many people involved? How many peace officers were alerted to a crime that did not exist? ". And invites politics to "think about how it works justice in Italy ".

"It seems that the Minister of the Interior is not a criminal"Salvini satisfied. Prosecutors in Catania dismantled, one by one, Patronage's allegations that, in an immigration emergency, the head of the Ministry of the Interior had investigated the crime of aggravated seizure and continued in person. Today is only the first step towardsstorage. "I hope this reasoned request will be accepted", the head of comments Carroccio. Now, the court of ministers will have ninety days to decide. In fact, the Palermo judges had already exonerated the Deputy Prime Minister because, in the Diciotti case, "protected national interest". With the decision of representative of Catania will definitively close the circle and the theorems mounted with art by Patronaggio will remain a distant echo.

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