Electric cars, falsity and truth. Who controls the market of the oil companies to the producers


Here is who controls the market, and there is no Italy. And then the continuous real and false news that is given for a series of very specific goals and high interests at stake. And we also talk about many false news.

Is electric car stuff rich? Perhaps because two studies from different perspectives reveal how the economic factor is decisive for the diffusion of these vehicles. First of all, there is the new report Acea (European Association of Automobile Manufacturers) "Making the transition to zero emission mobility", according to which a very large market share (85%) is controlled by six the European Union. returned. And among these, not even to say it, there is no Italy. On the contrary, our country is also considered deficit in terms of infrastructure, as the presence of an electric vehicle charging station, which accounts for 2.35% of the total in the European Union. To make the big voice or to accommodate three quarters of the well-known columns are France, Germany, Britain and the Netherlands. However, according to the study, it would take two million columns evenly distributed to ensure an efficient charging network for the motorist.

And Incentives Begin in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Then there are some areas in which the words have already gone to the facts or the parking lot is renewed with incentives. This is the case of Friuli Venezia Giulia, which officially approved the award of bonuses of up to 5,000 euros to replace older cars with CNG-fueled, hybrid and electric cars. The aim is to get rid of Euro 0 or Euro 1 gasoline cars and Euro 0 to Euro 3 gasoline cars in order to promote the presence of vehicles that are less polluting for the environment. On the plate there is an amount equal to 1,512,000 euros and are also involved cars intended to carry people up to eight seats in addition to the driver.

In detail, the incentive is 3,000 euros if the new car is a gasoline-methane bi-fuel, to 4,000 if it's a hybrid, to 5,000 if it's electric. Each Chamber of Commerce is responsible for publishing the deadlines for submission of applications and the necessary forms on its website

Are Europe's objectives unrealistic?

If the Italian market is even less sensitive than the spread of cars the European Union seems to show a misplaced enthusiasm. At least according to the European Association of Automobile Manufacturers, for which the objectives of the Commission seem unrealistic compared to the spending capacity of its citizens. Specifically, skepticism is directed toward the stated goals of carbon dioxide emissions, in light of the costs of switching to electricity or hybrid diesel and gasoline from the origin . According to Erik Jonnaert, general secretary of the badociation, Europe sins with realism because it does not take into account what people can really afford to buy.

According to him, the European Parliament must not lose sight of the fact that the market is driven by consumers. Hence the conclusion lapiadiaria: in these conditions of poor accessibility, a natural pbadage to the electric will not occur.

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