Electric mobility, the new announcement includes scooters and segways


Segway, hoverboard, skateboard, scooters, single wheels and more: any electric vehicle approved by the Ministère des Transports will be at the center of the new alternative mobility services. The guidelines for a call for proposals in the coming months, just launched by the municipality, indeed want to promote "electric mobility and shared". "We want to give more impetus to electric mobility and sustainable," says Marco Granelli, advisor for mobility and the environment. We do it by all means. The guidelines state that from 1 January 2020, the fleet of two- and three-wheeled scooter sharing services could be composed exclusively of electric vehicles, also for the two fleets already in circulation in Milan. Until December 31, 2019, all vehicles must always comply with the highest-performing pollution standard when they are put into service. Also defined as the service area covered by the notice which, with respect to electric vehicles only, can be reduced in the circle 90/91 filiviaria, but with the obligation to extend the service "mobility zones" also present in suburban neighborhoods. In addition to providing an active service of 365 days 24 hours a day, for a period of at least 24 months, operators will have to commit to making available a number of vehicles. at least 75, or 120 non-electric vehicles. . For each scooter put into service, the agreement also provides for the activation by individual managers of a minimum investment of 100 euros for the implementation of courses for young people on road safety, to achieve in the schools of the city.

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