Electronic invoices and good, the conversion of the decree Dignità


Electronic invoices and vouchers : the government has filed an amendment to the DL 87/2018 conversion law containing the extension of the electronic billing obligation for service stations to from 01/01/2019. There are also plans to reintroduce vouchers, which can be used by businesses in the tourism sector with up to 10 employees. the use in agriculture will be possible for 10 days, without having to affix a date and time of conclusion of the service on the vouchers, but simply a time slot.

Electronic Invoice: effective January 1, 2019, here is all we need to know

 Electronic Invoice

The proposal to increase to 15,000 euros the limit to make allowances between debts and credits with the public absence the refusal visa was rejected, however, rejected and the repeal for farmers of the obligation to notify relevant transactions for VAT

After obtaining the approval of the House, the provision will be forwarded to the Senate, where final approval is expected, subject to change, at 10.08. 2018.

The electronic fuel bill will come into effect on January 01, 2019, while waiting for the fuel card remains in effect until December 31, 2018, it is possible to read all the news in q uest & # 39; articolo: Electronic fuel bill, extension of 6 months, fuel card still valid

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