Elon Musk sells a Tesla surfboard for $ 1,500 – the most absurd ideas


the visionary general manager

July 30, 2018 – 12:32

Design as the electric cars, the logo on both sides: a new successful marketing operation. The tables were exhausted in a very short time

For marketing, you do everything at Tesla, even throw a flaming red car in space in March. And there are also other ideas, a little less expensive but certainly effective. As the latest to mind CEO Elon Musk: after hats, t-shirts and even a children's car, the electric car company is given to water sports and put on sale a surfboard for $ 1500. The offer was put online on the evening of July 29th. The design was designed directly in the Tesla studios, "in collaboration with Lost Surfboards and Matt" Mayhem "Biolos", it is written in the ad. Where we describe the finish of the product inspired by electric cars, with a carbon reinforcement. There is no shortage of company logos on both sides. Unfortunately, Tesla only made available 200 boards and – of course – the entrepreneur's fans were sold in a very short time. They should receive them within 2 to 10 weeks. So we have to wait a few months to see the first check on eBay. At a triple price.

July 30, 2018 | 12:32


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