At least 90 dead, 3 critically ill and 58 missing are the latest reports issued by the Japanese authorities as a result of heavy torrential rains in the Kansai and Kyushu regions. It stops the production of cars in different prefectures. It is difficult to find the pieces and easily reach the workplace
The number of victims increases, at least 90, and about sixty people are still missing . The latest bulletin widely distributed by the Japanese authorities tells the tragedy that the country faces after the floods caused by torrential rains. The most affected areas are Kansai and Kyushu in west-central Japan, where auto companies have decided to suspend production.
The leaders of Daihatsu decided to bademble vehicles in four prefectures – including those in Kyoto and Osaka – because of the difficulty of finding spare parts . Similar decision taken by Mazda at least until Tuesday, in the factories of Hiroshima and Yamaguchi prefectures. The problems also concern the movements of employees of the aforementioned companies, unable to reach the workplace because of the many interruptions on the main arteries of the road and railways.
The tragedy numbers
The rescue car has about 54,000 men from the forces of self-defense, police and firefighters, as well as the coast guard, engaged in badistance . The evacuation orders involved a total of 5.9 million inhabitants in 19 prefectures, and 30,000 people had to spend the night in reception centers. In Okayama Prefecture, among the most weather-stricken areas, more than 1,000 people who had sought refuge on the roofs of their homes were rescued by helicopters and boats. In the district of Mabicho, about 1,200 hectares of land were submerged by water, 4,600 houses completely flooded. For the Ministry of Infrastructure, 17 rail operators have suspended services, and it is estimated that the process of restoration of transport links could take months.
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