Empathy is also important for patients: the 5 most "human" Italian doctors rewarded


The results were the most empathic, the most human, and the closest to the patients, from the badysis of more than 6,000 reports (both patients and caregivers) on the Web. And yesterday, they were rewarded in Milan on behalf of the oncologist Umberto Veronesi, who died in 2016, champion of humanity in the concern of the quality of life of women with bad cancer.

These are 3 men and 2 women. These are the 5 white blouses awarded by the "Reconnaissance Umberto Veronesi al Laudato Medico", created in 2017 by Europa Donna Italia (and supported unconditionally by the Msd Foundation this year), in order to preserve the "human heritage" of the scientist.


But who are the doctors who, in the 5 categories selected – surgeon, oncologist, radiologist, radiotherapist and pathologist – have received the highest number of patient reports for their humanity and empathy?

Here are the names. Pietro Caldarella, Division of Surgical Senology of the European Institute of Oncology (Ieo) of Milan; Antonio Cusmai, director of the department of oncology at the Hospital San Paolo of Bari; Maria Angela Abito, complex operational unit of radiodiagnostics – NMR, Senology of San Paolo di Bari; Alessia Surgo, Ieo Division of Radiotherapy; Rosa Giannatiempo, head of the simple operating unit of pathological anatomy of the evangelical Bethany Hospital of Naples.


Listening and direct contact are key elements in the treatment of women with bad cancer and all cancer patients, say the promoters of recognition: "Europa Donna Italia wishes to reaffirm the importance of communication between the patient and his doctor and his psychological support ". And the white coats were chosen for a judicious use of the right words. The words that can heal, point out the experts, especially in the era of increasingly technological and fast medicine, where the time to devote to each patient is less and less.


This is a cornerstone that appears primarily for oncological diseases, such as bad cancer, that require a multidisciplinary care approach, which involves not only the oncologist, but also other professionals. . The recognition of Laudato medico, explained by Europa Donna Italia, is "a simple and straightforward way of thanking doctors who have shown particular empathy, humanity and closeness to bad cancer patients. "in multidisciplinary senology centers".

Veronesi "was the first to recognize and humanize medicine – says Rosanna Donna Antona, president of Europa Donna Italia – before him, it was thought that it was more urgent to treat the disease. organ that the person understood that the concern for the sensitivity of the patient accelerated healing and taught each day to his colleagues and students.The Recognition wants to improve the way to conceive the relationship doctor-patient introduced by Veronesi so that it is a stimulus and an exemplary model for the entire medical profession ".


Creating good relationships with the patient immediately, and showing empathy towards him, is fundamental – says Paolo Veronesi, President of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation and son of the oncologist – the first thing to do is to # 39; listen. The doctor must necessarily find a balance between the time available, too limited in reality, and the ability to please patients. In any case, the rule that applies to all doctors is to never close the door to a patient who wants to talk to you. "

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