Enel Torrevaldaliga Nord / Hard attack by Ancip: In Civitavecchia, a surrealist ban


CIVITAVECCHIA – Difficult intervention of ANCIP National badociation of port companies on the question which agitates the quays of the port of Civitavecchia . This is the call for tenders for the handling of coal in the Lazio port of Enel power plant in Torrevaldaliga North, the coal-fired power plant for which, in the last 10 years , the port service was carried out by the civitavecchiese Minosse company and the Civitavecchia Port Corporation and that now, Enel has decided to entrust by a tender of public tender

Ancip, by a press release, made to know : " an unusual application of the law of subcontracting on matters they are already largely regulated by the articles 16, 17 and 18 of the law 84/94" "It is the case from the situation created in the port of Civitavecchia where a terminalista for what is abnormal and "important" claims to replace the Authority of Port System and emanates surrealistic calls for the l '; granting of authorization to perform killing port activities with apparent deserts Regarding the intervention of the local authority, Ancip writes: "we are convinced that in the event that this is happening in Civitavecchia, the terms of the abandoned emancipation go beyond what is provided by the legislator. The most striking effect of these choices and the lack of timely intervention of the authority of the system is the questioning of the industrial and professional balance of a port and of a city like Civitavecchia, cornerstone of the Italian port system. "[19659006] (function (d, s, id) {
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