Engaged on a journey, they die in motion – Chronicle


Boyfriends die in the motorcycle accident A motorcycle trip to Lake Garda is tragically ended: following a collision with a car, they are two ferrarese fiancés who have lost your life. In the video the scene of the accident READ THE ARTICLE

FERRARA. In the saddle, he had climbed a year ago. "I'm a centaur in the test," wrote Sergio Sandrolini Cortesi on his Facebook profile and the photo, the first still visible on this page, takes him squatting on the floor with a friend. Beside, the two motorcycles, in the background a beautiful hilly landscape. Photos that often appear in albums of motor enthusiasts, including two wheels.

  Victims: Sergio Sandrolini ...

Victims: Sandrolini Sergio Cortesi, 28, and Giulia Signorini, 25 [19659005HierSergioSandroliniavaitgravilemêmevéloqu'ilavaitfièrementprésentéàsespartisansl'étédernierCettefoisavecsafiancéeGiuliaSignorinielleestalléedanslacampagnevénitiennepourquelquesdizainesdekilomètresLesdeuxontétédirigésverslelacdeGardeunedestinationfavoritepourlesmotardsitaliensetétrangers

The trip was interrupted. The race and life of the two young people stopped before reaching the enchanting view of the lake surrounded by mountains. The incident occurred on the national highway 12, on the border between Gazzo Veronese and the municipality of Nogara.

The 28-year-old, of Bolognese origin but living in Poggio Renatico, she 25 years old, from Vigarano Pieve, went through a "Golf" which, according to the early reliefs, would have invaded the opposite lane. crush on "Yamaha" and throw the two little friends on a flight for both mortals.

The accident occurred between noon and "1 pm, mid-day, and immediately the emergency vehicles, alerted by the calls of those who pbaded at the time on the state, rushed to the scene, with the riflemen of the station Gazzo Roncanova (VR) and the operational unit and Radiomobile of the Compagnia di Legnago. The information received from the witnesses at the Verona Emergenza operations center immediately made it clear to the service personnel that the incident had very serious consequences: for this reason, a helicopter and an ambulance were sent to the scene of the accident. # 39; accident. For the health workers a useless trip: they unfortunately immediately verified that Sergio Sandrolini Cortesi died on the spot because of the fatal blows suffered in the collision and the fall.

The driver of the car, a young man from the place, was accompanied to Legnago Hospital with minor injuries.

The tragic discovery. Upon arrival of the rescue and carabinieri, the scenario of intervention did not appear immediately. It seems that only two people were involved in the impact. It was only later, while investigations were ongoing, that it was established that the balance of the tragedy was heavier and that the victims were actually two.

In addition to the motorcycle driver, he also lost the life traveling with him.

Giulia Signorini, as her fiancé, could not protect herself from the violence of the impact: the impact struck her several meters from the motorcycle, from the car and the place of the accident. . The body was noted while dynamic reconstruction phases were in progress. Even for her any hope of being able to remove her from an end that tore her still very young at the most expensive affections immediately ceased.

Now the examination of the responsibilities and great sorrow that grief has brought to the families of two young men of their friends still in shock.


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