English ministers review plan for the first time in case of Queen's death


A few days ago, Queen Elizabeth was to celebrate the 200th anniversary of the Order of St. Michael and St. John at St. Paul's Cathedral, but her participation was canceled

. from Buckingham Palace, which in an official note announced that the Queen would be absent because she was "down".

The news has raised concern among the subjects, though Buckingham Palace has remained very vague in publishing information on the subject. Queen's Health, Trying to Minimize the Absence of Elizabeth

However, the Times reports that for the first time British ministers have met to consider the London Bridge operation project.

The plan was designed to organize the operations of the British government in the event of the death of the Queen.

Despite the fact that the plan was considered secret, the British Guardian newspaper had disseminated information about the transaction

According to what the newspaper revealed, the first person to be informed of the death of the leader must be the first British minister.

The beginning of the operation is entrusted to Sir Christopher Geidt, the private secretary of the Queen, who is responsible for calling the prime minister across a secret line connecting the Royal Palace with the number 10 of Dowing Street.

The words that will launch the plan are "London Bridge is down" (London The Bridge sank.)

At that time, the Minister of Foreign Affairs must inform the government of other states of the death of the ruler

According to the plan, initially only 15 countries will receive the call.

Subsequently, the Minister of Foreign Affairs will also inform the other 36 states that are part of the Commonwealth.

After communicating the news to the heads of state, the death of the queen will also be announced to the media by a common

The speakers of the radio will be alerted by intermittent blue light and only the "harmless" music will be transmitted.

All BBC networks will give an alert message to inform news and television presenters They will wear the black suit that they have prepared for the occasion

Many have already prepared to comment on the news and not be caught off guard.

Once the news is given to the media, the subjects will also be informed of the death The news is spreading, the plan provides that a servant will leave the Buckingham Palace in mourning to post a notice

The grief will be also communicated via the Royal Palace's online page: the site will put a single black page announcing the death of the queen

From this moment, Britain will enter the period of mourning, which will last 12 days.

The death of the Queen, the throne will pbad into the hands of Prince Charles, who will hold his first official speech the same evening.

At that moment, William will become Prince of Wales and his wife KAte will take the title of Princess of Wales, like Diana before her.

The Queen's body will be exposed in the burning chamber of Westminister Hall before the burial.

The funeral will be held 12 days after the death of the sovereign.

The Queen will then be transported to Westminster Abbey and the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, will officiate the Mbad.

Eventually, the body of the ruler will be buried, although it is not yet known whether the burial will take place in Balmoral, Sandringham, or in St. George's Chapel in Windsor, where the grave of the father, King George VI

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