Eni targets carbon neutrality, targets in the year


Claudio Descalzi General Manager of Eni announced that the company will announce its objectives on "carbon neutrality" in the year . "We will be the first to do it," said Descalzi, adding that it will be "a binding agreement for time and quantity " contrary to the Paris Agreement, COP 21. [19659002] "Start a new round and the strategic business of Eni, which, as an oil company has become an energy company, and which is now focusing on the circular economy ] to achieve carbon neutrality .No person has taken the risk to announce that she wants to be Neutral, I want to do it and we are confident that we can do it We are deepening and evaluate the economic part and we still have to do the technical badysis from the two upstream and downstream stages and I think we will announce it at the end of the year. "[19659003] Neutrality carbon for Eni represents "a fundamental step to push the whole system towards reducing emissions because they are not only atmospheric but also affect the ground . The goal is also optimal waste generation avoiding waste. "

Claudio Descalzi, general manager of Eni

Descalzi then added that" 17% of the world's population produces most of the waste of the planet, if everyone produced the same amount waste of developed countries, we risked being submerged "., and that is why Eni aims to become an energy company that focuses on the circular economy to achieve carbon neutrality

To reach the goal Eni has signed a strategic alliance with Milan Polytechnic with regard to scientific research, based on innovation and development in the circular economy, digitization and the transition to an increasingly sustainable energy system

The Rector of the Polytechnic School of Milan, Ferruccio Resta, and the CEO of Eni, Claudio Descalzi, signed the renewal of the l 39 framework agreement establishing collaboration between the university and the company. It is a partnership that dates back to 2008 and that involved Eni investments in research activities of about 40 million euros, which were also found in 16 patents in which inventors of Politecnico were present.

Renewal agreement, which will have a duration of three years plus an optional confers on the partnership a strategic character since it rests on the three main axes that Eni intends to pursue in the development of its growth strategy: the circular economy, understood as the sustainability of production processes, the optimization of resources and the minimization of waste; the energy transition, with the study of innovative technologies of the sector and the promotion of the use of natural gas; digitization, translated into operational excellence in the field of safety and protection of the environment.

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