Entrepreneurs (and Pd) against the Dignity Decree. Conte and Di Maio try to stop the discontent of the "Conf"


Democratic Party, Forza Italia, Confindustria and all employers' badociations, those who were formerly called "masters", on the one hand; on the other, the left in a random order and the unions with their cautions. This is the political scenario, not at all unprecedented, as a result of the first and much anticipated government policy led by Giuseppe Conte: it is the Dignità Decree, a law that aims to impose on companies that, after receiving public, foreign contributions their activities; to counter the game with the ban on advertising; to intervene on certain tax instruments such as installments (but only for professionals), spesometro and redditometro. But above all, dignity is a first blow to the employment law thanks to a tightening of futures contracts, which can not last more than 24 months and each renewal will have a contribution increase of 0.5% of more. Not only that: redundancy payments are doubled, from a minimum of 6 months to a maximum of 36.

The measure that however raised the refrain of the protests of employers' badociations is the reintroduction of reasons after the first renewal of the contract, or the justification that the contractor must give to resort to confirmation of the temporary nature of the employment relationship to the detriment of its stabilization within the company. It is obviously an extra weapon in the hands of workers to appeal against employers who abuse precarious contracts and who are now (re) called upon to motivate the types of their badumptions. This is certainly not a coincidence if, since the approval of the Poletti decree that eliminated the causes, precarious contracts have exploded, as periodically underlined by the ISTAT job bulletins. and INPS. Yesterday again, the Institute of Statistics found that from May 2017 to May 2018, 95% of new recruits are insecure and only 1% stable (the rest of the pie is intended for self-employed).

therefore, from the point of view of the government, the first step in the fight against precariousness. We must see the effects before talking about reintroducing Article 18, said the father of the law and the Minister of Labor Di Maio. Of course, it is not with a single provision that we can increase jobs indefinitely (but it is certain that with a provision, the Poletti Decree, was encouraged excessive recourse, and sometimes the abuse of precarious contracts, impact on the quality of the job): that is why the leader of M5S promised a reduction in labor costs aimed at " encourage companies that have room for growth ", which will be introduced by the budget law

. Conte tried to rebadure companies: "This government is obviously not at odds with the business world, we also want to promote economic growth, we want a healthy alliance with the world of work and business but we want fight unwarranted initiatives ". at a press conference at Palazzo Chigi. Words of relaxation towards a world, the entrepreneurial one, which took a hard position following the approval of the decree in Cdm: "It is the first real collegiate act of the new executive" and, " also for this reason, it's a result will have less work, not less precarious "and" also worries that companies have to pay the price of an election race without end within the majority and that the conditions of division are created, the actors of the labor market, with the risk of republishing the old oppositions ", confides Confindustriam, a long time ago the line" the fixed position n & # 39; exists more "

For Confesercenti" we can not accept the penalization of companies that guarantee work. "The increase in the cost of contributions to the renewal of the contract will result, according to the badociation," an increase of more of 100 million euros per year, of which more than half will be this year, as 55% of the contracts will expire. " For Giorgio Merletti, president of Confartigianato, "it is not like that that employment is favored" because "the right to decent work does not defend itself with a new bureaucracy and new costs for companies ". However, Merletti expresses a positive opinion on the tightening of companies that are moving. "It is an important signal to defend the value of production and work done in Italy". For Confindustria, on the other hand, these are rules that risk "discouraging investment". The only common denominator of labor and offshoring choices is to make the rules framework more punitive, more uncertain and unpredictable. Italian companies operate. "Returning to the grounds, their reintroduction" can not understand the ordinary facts of the company, but only the extraordinary, which will cause an excessive increase in the dispute as in the past, "said the president of Confimprese, Mario Resca.

The scenario, it was said.The criticism of the river of entrepreneurs finds its place in the Democratic Party.It is the Democrats who reserve the most severe treatment to the extent desired by Di Maio : "They call it dignity but it's only a return to the era when moonlighting was favored," says Matteo Orfini. "Decrease employment everywhere and the investments in the South (and reindustrialisation). This is the slogan politics not the reality government. It's work / growth how to stop an NGO ship is at the immigration management. former Minister Carlo Calenda. For former Deputy Secretary Bellanova, the decree "hardens the job market without prospects, but a certain effect will be the multiplication of litigation, is it dignity?", He asks. While Maurizio Martina, secretary regent, "risk aggravating the situation because it can lead to an increase in the escape, to an increase in disputes with a chaotic effect to the disadvantage of the workers and because & ## s It has no intervention in favor of permanent work. "

In the same position as the Democratic Party, Forza Italia:" It hardens the labor market, slows down growth and violently attacks those who make Businesses, those trying to create added value and expensive jobs The outgoing flexibility and the incoming has been reduced, "says Mariastella Gelmini. For the spokesperson of Azzurri Giorgio Mulé, the time has come to "greet the entry of the CGIL into the government". The decree in dignity was dictated by the CGIL and copiously copied by DiMaio: it's a deadly backtrack for our companies "on Twitter by enclosing an image of Article 50 of the" Universal Workers Charter " "Elaborated by the CGIL in 2016 in relation to an extract of the decree on the dignity approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers

On the other hand, the parties of left For Roberto Speranza di LeU" the changes in the Fixed-term contract discipline and the increase in compensation in the case of illegitimate layoffs are going in the right direction, "adding that" expectations were much higher "but that would not have" a decision-making attitude preliminary "to the decree during the conversion to Parliament.It is a remarkable opening, like that of his colleague Loredana de Petris:" It is a first step in the right direction: the dismissal for just cause of the law on the job, but the dismissal is not there yet because the heart of this reform has not yet been touched ". The intentions of the provision "are just", says Sergio Cofferati, "I think that they want to walk in a direction that can be widely shared."

Nicola Fratoianni, also from Liberi and Uguali, is less positive: "The decree Dignity is timid The idea that you can reject when you think is fully intact, since there is no no intervention on the reintroduction of Article 18, as a guarantee for workers ". And then the introduction of causality "albeit correct in principle, as realized, and this after the first 12 months of contract, it is practically useless", because "for companies that do not want to introduce reason, just "

Positive signs also come from the unions:" We need to study the text but I think that there is positive news going in the right direction as the causalities on the futures. " explains Maurizio Landini of the CGIL. While for Annamaria Furlan, secretary of CIS, the text asks "some fundamental questions that concern us: less precarious means to give more certainty to young people and young people and above all, companies can no longer raise funds in this country. public authorities, facilitations, then after a short period, they decide to close and relocate. Finally, for Carmelo Barbagallo de CISL, while waiting to read the provision, the decree "goes in the right direction, but some adjustments are necessary: ​​some steps, like the lack of cause and effect, do not convince us and should be changed "

According to the President of the Democratic Party Matteo Orfini"

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