Eppy electric car in Punta Ala with Renault Zoe


It will be zero impact, 100% electric and so silent, the car sharing service that Punta Ala will experience this summer, from July 23 and up to the September 9th. He is called Eppy and it is the project with which Elettra Investimenti entered the field of shared mobility.

The leading Italian company in the sector of energy production and energy efficiency, will bring "in the withdrawal of the Maremma a new" perfectly in line with the protection policies of the environment and attention to quality "of the air that has always been Punta Ala a tourist of international importance. 19659003] The experience provides, for the summer of 2018, the activation of a temporary carpool with five Renault ZOE a compact sedan 100% electric, free seats reserved and a recharge network consisting of three columns: one, inside the marina "Marina di Punta Ala", one in the parking lot of the Hotel La Bussola, also for customers of the l 39; Hotel and the third in the Esso petrol station at the entrance to Punta Ala. Each charging point will be equipped with a power supply allowing to perform power in about two hours . The autonomy of Renault ZOE, with full battery, is 300 kilometers in real driving conditions.

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