EU in the United States: "auto-boomerang tariffs". Ready for a 300 billion euro counter-attack


Brussels points to the US tariffs on imports of European cars which, over and above the negative effects on the Old Continent, "are detrimental to trade, growth and economic activity. employment in the United States ", a" negative impact of $ 13-14 billion on US GDP "and" ties with allies "

What is the European Commission states in a document addressed to Department of Commerce, recalling that European manufacturers "contribute significantly" to employment in the United States, with 120,000 direct jobs in the United States. production and 420,000 in concessions

"" is not an economic threat to the US auto industry that is good "and" imports from the EU to the United States is stable " .The US accusations, continues the Commission, " have no legitimacy, factual basis and violate the rules."

A separate chapter is devoted to countermeasures. That the EU and other trading partners could impose "a very large volume of US exports, estimated at $ 294 billion" (about 19% of the total export of 2017).

In the fiery atmosphere of the last days, US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross tries to restore calm. In an interview with CNBC today, Ross said that it was "premature" to say whether the US President Donald Trump's car rates will become operational as it is too early to say if the United States will withdraw from the World Trade Organization

"We have not hidden our view that there would be necessary reforms to the WTO", Ross said in an interview with "Squawk Box", stating that "It is really necessary to update or synchronize his activities.In any case, I think it's premature to just talk about An American exit "

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