Eurofighter hunt in flight to intercept a "suspicious flight" Transavia | CHRONIC


New Scrambling (the military term that defines the act of taking off an interceptor fighter to intercept and identify an unknown aircraft) for the Air Force fighter , already intervening last night to intercept an Easyjet flight that had interrupted radio communications

This time to trigger the alarm at the end of the morning, a Boeing 737 from the company Transavia – which flies from Kos, Greece, in Amsterdam, the Netherlands – had a temporary interruption of radio contact with the air traffic control authorities

Immediately took off – by order of the CAOC, the NATO body responsible for the surveillance of the area – two Eurofighter of the 51st Istrana flock, always ready for the Italian airspace monitoring service

As soon as the plane was intercepted and found that 39 there were no situations of urgency The Transavia flight, after reestablishing the radio contacts, continued on the established route

Sunday, July 22, 2018 – Last updated: 22:58


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