European Commission, support to the ambassador to Israel – More news – ANSA Europe


(ANSA) – BRUSSELS, 13 JULY – The European Commission has
confirmed that "the EU ambbadador to Israel has been summoned
from the Israeli Foreign Ministry this morning "and that
the Community Executive "fully supports the EU ambbadador
in Israel, "said a spokesman for the executive
community by stating that "it is extremely important that" the
"can continue to work in good conditions
because it's part of the normal commitment that exists with ours
"With regard to the law to which reference is made, he specified
the spokesperson – I can add that the way through the
that Israel chooses to define itself is an internal matter to
Israel and it is up to Israel to decide. "The spokesman then
added that the "community executive" respects the debate
going on in Israel and as we have already said in others
occasions that Israel has promised to defend values ​​such as
human rights, and this is at the heart of the relationships we have
with Israel and other countries in the world and we expect that
the values ​​are not questioned or threatened ".
According to the press, this decision came after meetings
Giaufret would have had several deputies to convince them of
change a controversial draft of the law in question to
Knesset that defines Israel as the nation-state of the people

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