European Commission: "We will not deport migrants to Libya, the situation is inhuman"


"There will never be any repatriation of the EU to Libya or European ships returning migrants to Libya, this goes against our values, international law and EU law in Libya, the UN is working to improve their conditions, and there is an urgent transit mechanism to evacuate these people from Libya. " said Natasha Bertaud, spokeswoman for the European Commission on migration, also reaffirming the EU's commitment to end the "commercial model of traffickers" that endangers daily life and promotes resettlement and legal migration.

The spokeswoman points out, however, that Libya has defined its sea rescue sector, which means that, in the case of a Libyan coordination and relief center coordinating an event, all slingshots must be comply with Libyan guidelines. "We have seen that over the last three years, despite the overcrowding of ships at sea, the Mediterranean is more deadly than ever for migrants because the pattern of traffickers has changed, it has adapted to this increasing number of ships we want to change our approach, reduce the number of people who lose their lives in the Mediterranean, and that is why we work with Libyans, "says Bertaud. EU will not continue to do its job: "There are still three active European operations in the Mediterranean, and as stated in the conclusions, there is an appeal to the Member States to fill the gaps in terms of men and means "Says the spokesperson.

Meanwhile, another spokesman for the Commission recalls that just six days ago six Libyans were added "to the blacklist of UN sanctions" because of their involvement in trafficking in human beings. This provision has also been "transposed by EU legislation, including representatives of the Libyan Coast Guard who have never been trained by the European mission in Sofia".

To date, 213 Libyan coastguards have been trained by the EU.