everyone in Moscow to see Putin


The conflict in Syria, Iran and the focus on peace efforts in the Middle East will be at the center of today's talks in Moscow between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin. "This is very important for the national security of the state of Israel," Netanyahu said when leaving Tel Aviv, citing the situation in southern Syria near the border with Israel. Israel.

The Israeli prime minister also said he greatly appreciated "the direct connection" with Putin, defined as "excellent". Netanyahu, a former football player and a big fan, will compete at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow during the World Cup semi-final between England and Croatia. Last year, Netanyahu visited Russia several times. The last time on May 9 to attend the military parade on Red Square in Moscow on the occasion of the anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. Relations between Russia and Israel are developing "positively", Putin said in Moscow during a meeting with the Israeli Prime Minister

"This – explains the Kremlin leader – concerns not only the situation in the country. economy but also our political interaction.The relations between the military departments are also at a good level, as are those of the humanitarian sector. "

Putin plans to meet the Palestinian Authority's President, Abu Mazen, July 14. According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, the Palestinian ambbadador to Moscow, Abdel Hafiz Nofal, said the Palestinian leader would visit the Russian capital from July 13 to 16. There was also talk of Abu Mazen's possible presence at the World Cup final scheduled at the Luzhiniki Stadium in Moscow on Sunday, July 15.

Ali Akbar Velayati, former Foreign Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Advisor to the Supreme Leader of the Iranian Revolution Ali Khamenei, is located in Moscow, where Thursday will meet the Russian President. The talks should focus on the conflict in Syria, which sees both Russia and Iran alongside the Assad regime, and the Iranian nuclear deal. According to media reports, Velayati will convey to Putin a message from Khamenei and Iranian President Hbadan Rohani about Tehran's position after the US exit from the nuclear deal

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