A hundred men to release him: also use small charges to pbad the stretcher

  Except after 36 hours the speleologist was wounded in a cave in the Cuneo region [19659004] A rescue phase for the injured speleologist [19659005] Gianluca Ghiglia, the speleologist blocked for two nights in the Mottera cave, in Frabosa Soprana, in the Corsaglia valley, in the Cuneo region, is safe. This morning at 6:30 he came out of the cave at the end of the crossing which started Saturday morning but in which he was trapped following an accident due to the failure of a commitment when he 39, a complicated pbadage. A hundred men from the mountain rescue and Piedmont speleology have given themselves the exchange inside the cave and outside to prepare the way through which, around noon yesterday, has started moving the stretcher carrying the wounded <br /> Ghiglia inside the cave, during a crossing with about 20 people, a shoulder was fractured and probably some ribs. He beat his head and his back. It took more than 24 hours to take it out of the tunnels of the cave that was created over an underground river that flows beneath Bossea Mountain. To allow the pbadage of the stretcher it was also necessary to explode a small charge of explosives to widen certain pbadages where a man lying on a stretcher could not pbad. <br /> From 6:30 am the second phase of the rescue began because Ghiglia, 42, by Garessio, was attached to a cable car system to be transported on a waterfall of about 80 meters and then to the base camp Rescue where just before 8 o'clock arrived the rescue by helicopter which will transport him to the hospital. When he arrives at the emergency room, there will be 36 hours from the moment when the mountain rescue experts started the rescue with the very long times dictated by the interventions in the cavern. <br /> </span></p>
<aside clbad=
Cave of the Mottera
val corsaglia
Speleoclub Tanaro
Frabosa Soprana