Exchange: Milan loses 1.48%, MPS under pressure – Economy


Piazza Affari closing trading with the Ftse Eb index down 1.48%. Addition to the Milan Stock Exchange is also waiting for the formation of the Lega-Cinque Stelle government and the green light to the contract.

New pbadion day for MPS after 8% sold the day before with the first indications on the government contract between M5S and Lega. The stock sold 3.52% on the field at 2.82 euros, trading for 7.16 million pieces, slightly more than half compared to yesterday and more than twice the daily average. In two sessions, the loss is close to 12% and capitalization "burned" is 433.7 million, of which 296 are supported by the Treasury. But the whole banking sector suffered, with some frozen shares like Ubi Banca (-7,85%) and, among the miners, Bim (-7,87%) and Banca Sistema (-5,84%) . Press also Banco Bpm (-6.36%), Bper (-6.64%), Popolare Sondrio (-3.8%) and Creval (-5.76%), while Carige closed unchanged. Giants Unicredit (-2.77%) and Intesa Sanpaolo (-2.46%) are also in trouble

The gap between the BTP and the Bund still widens and reaches 164 basis points , discounting the highest since the beginning of the year. The 10-year Treasury yield is 2.22%

The Consob recalls politicians on statements that may affect the securities and markets


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