Eye, here traps the traps


Dear editor,
on the issue of immigration, we give Salvini at least the historical merit of having unmasked the hypocrisies of a deaf and blind Europe. And Prime Minister Conte plasticized this moment at the last summit, when he said that those who land at Lampedusa land in Europe. At Macron, a little Napoleon in crisis of authority, it was not enough to run to Pope Bergoglio for an exceptionally long and cordial visit, as if it were two ancient sodals. The same Francois had dedicated to the newly elected Argentine president, Mauricio Macri, less than twenty minutes. As for Merkel, she ends her career as an iron chancellor between contradictions and obstacles. A revolution born of the initial vigor of Matteo Salvini on a theme that has so much impact on our consciences and that perfectly embodies what he wants to be the government of change.

But after the realization of a popular consensus that shakes and loses even more left-wing forces, what are the risks we face? The services are alert and very alarmed. Opening a dispute as bitter with a neighboring country as France can be very expensive. French security apparatuses have a habit of operating in difficult situations, having grown up in war zones in the countries of Central Africa or facing the Mediterranean.

Hypothetical scenarios, according to crisis experts, may be more typical: retaliation for our public debt or, more than they have already done, our oil interests in Libya, a country in which we lose our leadership day after day, until possible attacks by foreign fighter hunted right on French territory that could easily get to Menton. It would also be advisable to watch with sophisticated drones on all movements of rubber boats and boats that sail with hundreds of desperados aboard. That it is not a miserable thought of a carnage on our waters to make us go bad …

Keeping those risks, even on his person, has them very clearly and knows that you play everything. He could take an example of Donald Trump who learned to firm up but also curb once the goal was reached, as he did with Mexico's borders, sending his wife Melania to calm the waters. There is little to sing the victory as, with the enthusiasm of the neophyte, Prime Minister Conté

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