Facebook blocked the profile of Alex Jones, the king of American conspirators


  Alex Jones blocked facebook buffalo

His name is Alexander Emerick Jones, he is 44 years old and is the founder of InfoWars, the site, born in March 1999, has become one of the main points reference for American conspirators, especially if Trumpian faith.

But conspiracy theories have nothing to do with this, in the last hours, before YouTube and Facebook have blocked certain features of his accounts. On July 24, YouTube eliminated four videos posted on its channel because they contained elements of "incitement to hatred and danger to children," says The Verge.

According to the US news website, two of these videos was a hate speech against Muslims, in another aspect of discrimination against transgender people. In the latter, a boy, alleged perpetrator of damage to certain cars, is hit by an adult and thrown to the ground: the video ends with a text that says "How to prevent liberalism", inviting the use of condoms to "help" America stays safe "

These images, which are still visible on InfoWars' Twitter profile, have been censored on YouTube" for violating community rules. "The site of video sharing also banned Jones from broadcasting live for the next three months.

The stop, halfway, from Facebook

A few hours later, even Facebook has decided to d & # 39; acting by blocking Alex Jones's personal account.This is reported by Mashable, who explains that it was confirmed by a company spokesman.Jones "was blocked for 30 days": the provision "will be applied to any page managed by Jones, in addition to Jo's private page itself. "

This means that he will not be able to post content on a page of which he is an administrator. Even though his channels will still be accessible, his personal profile will remain closed for a month, and the public pages linked to him, his manager and InfoWars, remain active and can be updated by D & # 's. 39, other page administrators Gizmodo explains: "The page that violates the rules receives a warning, as well as the administrator who published the content in question. After a number of warnings (Facebook did not specify how much, ndr ) the suspension is triggered. "

It is reasonable to think that some warnings came directly to Jones as published on their personal profile and not public pages.This way, he would have exceeded the limit, triggering Facebook's blocking. Inside Facebook confirmed to the Guardian that Jones had already received a warning in the past and he had been told that if he had again broken the rules, he would be punished for 30 days, which happened

Gizmodo has attacked Facebook's decision by explaining that it ends up not appealing to anyone, neither to the readers of InfoWars and Jones, nor to its opponents: "The company continues to ruin its reputation by giving up to adopt a clear standard. "19659003] Even the four incriminated videos have disappeared from the social network.The decision comes a few days from the words of the founder Mark Zuckerberg who, in an interview with Recode, had defended the pages that i spread fake news stating that, according to him, it is not Facebook's job to silence those who publish incorrect information it does not cause any concrete and physical damage, citing the case of InfoWars expressly . A spokesman for the company said that "the rules are clear and prohibit the publication of content that encourages physical harm and intimidation, or attacks on people based on religion," he said. identity and gender ".

All Jones hoaxes, from September 11 to pedophile Mueller

The latest hoax, in the order of time, from the Alex Jones plate concerns Robert Mueller, the former director of the FBI today At the top of the Russiagate investigation: Jones accused Mueller of participating in a child rape, overseeing and "spanning for decades Jeffrey Epstein", US finance found guilty of abuse badual. "Robert Mueller is a monster," had attacked Jones at the July 23 edition of The Alex Jones Show, his historic radio show. Immediately, Facebook had decided to let him go too, and had taken no action.

The program that collects the hoaxes of Alex Jones is long. There is the one who calls into question the moon landing, as well as the documentary 911: The Road of Tyranny of which he is the director and scriptwriter and in which he tries to dismantle the official version on the September 11, 2001 attacks InfoWars also marked the mbadacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14, 2012 in Newtown, Connecticut. That day, twenty-year-old Adam Lanza killed 27 people, including 20 children aged six and seven, but for Jones there were no deaths: the bodies of the little ones were those of young actors who acted. In this case, the parents of the very young victims reacted by pursuing the same Jones.

In 2016, during the presidential race at the White House, Texan Alex Jones expressed his support for Donald Trump who, after the victory, he would contact him by phone to thank him in the race for the White House.

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