Facebook: In-depth investigations into the data scandal


Cambridge Analytica's Scandal Attracts Increasing Federal Control over Facebook . According to the Washington Post, there would be a thorough investigation that would involve not only the Department of Justice but also the FBI, the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Federal Trade Commission, which would investigate Facebook's role in the story that led to the misuse of personal data of 87 million users by the political consulting firm.

Several federal agencies reportedly joined the Department's investigation of Justice over the data scandal involving Facebook and the Cambridge Analytica consulting firm, as well as the [revealedpeoplewhosaytheyknowaboutofficialinquiries

In March, the company headed by Mark Zuckerberg said that Cambridge Analytica, who also worked for Donald Trump's presidential campaign in 2016, got incorrect data. But Facebook knew this data collection since 2015, so federal investigators want to understand what the company knew three years ago and why it did not reveal what it was like. had pbaded at the time; in addition, the testimonies of Mark Zuckerberg on Capitol Hill and other Facebook executives would be badyzed as part of the investigation.

Facebook confirmed that he had received questions actually part of the federal agencies and said to share with them the requested information and to be collaborative by other means . "We are working with officials in the United States, the United Kingdom and elsewhere," said Facebook spokesman Matt Steinfeld. "We have provided public testimony, answered questions and promised to continue our help as their work continues."

SEC and FBI declined to comment; Department of Justice officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment, while in March the FTC had revealed that they were investigating Facebook for information. breaches of privacy.

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