Failure: Musumeci, works for 100 mln – Sicily


Launched in Italy for 42 operations

(ANSA) – PALERMO, JULY 15 – Work for more than one hundred million
euros in Sicily awarded or released during the last six months.
This is the budget of the hydrogeological structure,
led by the president of the region Nello Musumeci. The offices
in fact, they carried out 42 actions in all
l & # 39; island. In one case, the work has already been completed, while
two are still in progress. Five races have won, while
eight procedures are in the process of being awarded. For twenty-six
lastly, the procedures are always open.
"It never happened – says the governor – this way
little time in the Sicilian region were contracted
projects for 101.5 million euros. We impressed
an acceleration and I want to thank the bureaus for this
coordinated by engineer Maurizio Croce for their considerable efforts.
A virtuous model that, I hope, can be an example for others
regional structures, especially with a view to the final deadlines
year on the expenditure of European funds "


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