Falls in the pool, a child saved by his father: "I live by a miracle" – Chronicle


Miradolo Terme (Pavia), July 2, 2018 – "If you were saved it was a miracle ". The neighbor, who intervened with his wife, a nurse, to help her while waiting for relief, was visibly shaken. It was about 2 pm yesterday when the child, about a year and a half, escaped through the window of the house while the parents were cleaning the table, fell into the small pool in the garden . Fortunately, the father noticed immediately and in a few moments he resurfaced the child, but meanwhile drank a lot of water falling into the pool, underground , 4 meters by 1.8. Cries attracted the attention of neighbors. The alarm was triggered immediately and Areu's health workers intervened on the spot, with an ambulance from Chignolo Po and Brescia's rescue helicopter, landed in the field next to the Miradolo Terme cemetery

. father of the child, who proved to know what to do in the excited circumstance, also maintaining a remarkable coldness put the little son on the side, practicing the mbadage to make him expel the water swallowed preventing it from ending up in the lungs with far more serious consequences. In such circumstances, the Areu staff who responds to the operations center is specially trained to provide those who are on site with instructions on what to do, according to the different situations, pending the arrival of the professionals. . When the rescue arrived, the baby was not in cardiac arrest, but it was " reactive ": cried . The small patient and his parents were loaded into the helicopter and transported to the civilian neighborhoods of Brescia. The child was hospitalized with a precautionary precautionary prognosis, waiting to undergo all diagnostic tests to verify the possible consequences, but would not put his life in danger. The carabinieri from Chignolo Po station, Compagnia di Stradella, intervened on site and reconstructed the incident. At the present time, no responsibility for the incident appears, with the parents present and intervening indeed quickly.

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