Father Dall & Oglio, check the name of the possible Jesuit kidnapper


Five years after the abduction of Father Paolo Dall & # 39; Oglio, there could be a turning point in history. One of the religious friends kidnapped in Raqqa, who welcomed and accompanied him in the days before the abduction, said the name of an emir of Isis, still residing in Syria, a possible kidnapper of the Jesuit.

recounted his experience with the Syrian daily Raqqa Post, but Sunday night will appear, along with other witnesses, in Tg1's documentary Abuna which will be broadcast on Rai. Uno just for the fifth anniversary of the kidnapping of the religious.

The images of the Ricucci report show a raqqa beaten by the bombing. But not only: you see the mbad graves where hundreds and hundreds of lifeless bodies have been thrown out. Among them, even the victims of the Islamic State.

Ricucci met the survivors and authorities of Raqqa. Thus, he discovered that the man with whom the religious would speak is still alive and in these days held by the Raqqa authorities. Abd al-Rahman at Faysal Abu Faysal later recognized as one of the most important men of Isis .

In June, some human rights activists reported that the man would be released by the authorities who now rule Raqqa. Ricacci, who spoke with them, was unable to interview

Vatican Insider asked the Kurdish authorities of Rojava who reported that the detainees interviewed recalled you the facts of 2013 or the name of the religious.

The many citizens interviewed by Ricucci in his documentary well remember Father Dall & Oglio. Even a young woman, veiled, tells the constituents that took place in the city to demand the release of religious, accompanied by protests against the IS

Iyar Dhes on July 29, 2013 accompanied Father Dall & # 39, Oglio until last minute. In the article of Raqqa Post, it does not fail to emphasize the love of the Jesuits for the Syrians, the battles for their freedom.

More than four years after the abduction, Iyas writes: "Father Paolo He went to Raqqa town after his release in 2013 and during his visit he met many activists and citizens ordinary with whom he sat in the streets and bars, talking, listening. "

focus on the fate of the Syrians at the time of occupation of Isis.

Iyas Dhes and his family welcomed Father Paolo until the time of the abduction . Also on the Raqqa Post, he recounts: "I On July 28, 2013, Father Paolo went to Isis headquarters at the governor's palace to ask to meet a director or an emir" . it was a discussion at the entrance with the guards, one of them told him to come back in the evening, he could meet the emir. In the evening, he came back so that he would be told to come back the next day at 1pm. Despite our recommendations and our insistence on not going, he went to the meeting because he wanted to help people and that he believed deeply in what he was doing, "writes Iyas. [19659002] "On July 29, 2013, the day of his abduction, he was at home, and he recommended to my father to disclose the news that he was not returning within three days . We wished him nothing to happen, to meet again soon. I will never forget his look by greeting us, I felt that he was scared, but I did not know it would be the last time I would see him. That day, he prepared a lunch at home, those prepared in the honor of a family member. It was in his honor, "reads the Raqqa Post.

And the story goes on until the religious has lost track:" He walked alone, without saying a word then stopped at the door and there my father and I greeted him. Then he got into the car with Dr. Muhammad al-Haj Salih who accompanied him and, before arriving, Father Paul insisted on going down he was worried that Isis would hurt those who were with him . Father Paolo went to the headquarters of Isis and from that moment on we did not hear about him anymore "

Then Iyas and his father went to get Father Paolo at the siege of Isis, but no one knew him: "We asked to meet the emir of the organization. They took us to the basement where we sat in a hallway while waiting. After five minutes, a person arrived, I believe that he was emir from the Eastern Front, he was carrying an explosive belt accompanied by armed people who pointed their guns at us. We asked the emir: "Is there a person coming to you by the name of Paolo who then disappeared?". The emir replied that he had not seen and that he knew nothing about him. "

The two at that time did not wait three days and immediately denounced the abduction of Father Paolo:" The disappearance of this noble man was and is still a serious loss for the revolution and for all the Syrian people, a man who tried to sow love between people to help one another. "

Di Paolo Dall & # 39; Oglio Nothing is known of this July 29, 2013. What is certain is that the man who was where the Jesuit went and who denies seeing it is alive and lies in Raqqa.The name and face are known to him.Now it is up to the relevant authorities to question him and understand if he can be the key man to find a turning point in the dramatic story of Father Dall & Oglio.

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