Father Franco Moscone, new bishop of Manfredonia – Vieste – San Giovanni Rotondo


The announcement of the Apostolic Administrator Mgr. Rennes to the clergy of the diocese

6 months after the death of Mgr. Michele Castoro, we can finally say that the diocese of Manfredonia – Vieste – San Giovanni Rotondo again has a titular bishop.

It's Father Franco Moscone, Superior General of the Somaschi Fathers' Congregation.

The announcement made this morning to the clergy summoned in the Cathedral of Manfredonia was given by the Apostolic Administrator, Mgr. Luigi Renna at the same time as the publication of the bulletin of the Holy See Press Office.

Who is Fr Franco Moscone
Professor of philosophy and Dean of the "Emiliani" college of Nervi. In Genoa, where he graduated in philosophy and was president of the local Federation of Catholic Schools, he led an intense cultural activity.

In March 2017, during the 138th Chapter, Fr. Moscco Moscone was elected Superior General of the Congregation of the Somaschi Fathers for a six-year term.

The Congregation of Somaschi Fathers, formerly known as "Regular Clerics of Somasca", has nearly 500 religious worldwide, who, in the footsteps of San Girolamo Emiliani, operate in provinces and missions from all over of the planet, taking care of lonely and abandoned orphans in Italy, Romania, Albania, Poland, Spain, Nigeria, Mozambique, United States, Vietnam, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Brazil, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico.

His relationship with Pope Francis is special. This can be seen in an excerpt from a 2013 Republic Archive article:

"I tried, according to tradition, to kiss the ring, but he quickly spread his hand.He preferred to give me a hug.And I thought of a lot of Cardinals as the hand and the hand. ring puts them in your mouth A strong impression: you do not feel conditioned, but free The occasion of the meeting in the residence of Santa Marta, where the Pope lives, was to illustrate the problems and the projects of Our mission in the world Two things were close to my heart and Francesco always amazed me.He told me to write to him right away, at the table, and give him the paper.But what is It is surprising that after a week he answers what I asked him, not to believe, in the blink of an eye, stamps abolished and exhausting expectations.

Father Franco, he said to be called our new bishop, in the letter presentation to the diocese

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