The era ends Marchionne
Britannica, as of 2016, he was in Exor
For ten years, before graduating from Oxford and a Ph.D. in Cambridge, he sailed world with the family, along the roads of Captain James Cook's third voyage. Adventurer spirit, but scientific training, Suzanne Heywood is the first woman named to the top of a brand of the FCA group. Born in Southampton 49 years ago, she is since 2016 Executive Director of Exor, the safe of the family Agnelli-Elkann.
Until then, the director worked for McKinsey & Company, where she joined in 1997 senior partner. For many years, he led McKinsey's global service offering for organizational planning, and also worked extensively on the strategic aspects of clients in a variety of industries. He has published the book "Reorg" and several articles on these topics and has been a guest lecturer at the Tsinghua University in Beijing
. His career began in the UK government at the Treasury Department. In this dicastery she was the personal secretary of the financial secretary, the head of all aspects of direct taxation, as well as the main contributor to the government's privatization policy. He also played a supporting role to the Chancellor during negotiations at Ecofin, the "Council of European Finance Ministers" in Brussels
Suzanne Heywood is also director of The Economist, of which she is a member of the committee d & # 39; audit. ; of the Royal Opera House, of which he is vice-president, and of the Trust of the Royal Academy of Arts.
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