Fca, after Marchionne is a foreign land


"It's like having Cristiano Ronaldo and ending up all of a sudden without". Pbad, that is to say the best possible and desirable condition to a scenario of uncertainty. In the troubled hours that he pbades through Fca, wedged between pain for Marchionne and the non-painless change of vertices, one element emerges overwhelmingly: the big unknown factor for the future. The parallelism between the man who rescued Fiat from bankruptcy and the Portuguese champion – entrusted to Huffpost by a source – is the iconic image of an unexpected, unexpected and unexpected move, which brought with him an unexpected feeling of loss. The compbad is now struggling to score a stable direction

Uncertainty is the feeling that characterizes the various plans on which the history of the FCA engages, precipitated after the news of the health conditions of his top manager. From this for the fate of the Italian plants of Melfi, Pomigliano, Cbadino, Mirafiori, Grugliasco and Modena. The general secretary of the Uilm, Rocco Palombella, says it so clearly: "The workers are very worried, who will now be the guarantors?". Federico Bellono, Secretary General of Turin Fiom: "Our fears are reinforced by the sudden change at the top and by the arrival of a manager linked to an American brand".

Trade unionists reflect workers' fears. In Mirafiori and Pomigliano, as reported in Ansa, the uncertainty is igniting. "I'm grateful to Marchionne, he saved us, we hope that the new CEO goes ahead on the same path and that the new model arrives, we're a little scared," says Gregorio, 25 years old in the body. "Marchionne did his best for Mirafiori Manley, I do not know, hopefully," said another worker. "There is no model, the volumes do not guarantee the productive longevity of the factory.You live in uncertainty, for the day, there is no" Guaranteed future.There were two weeks of vacation in August because it took the last few weeks became three, "adds Giovanna

.Also in Pomigliano, in front of the factory, the workers exchange their opinions on the The future and on the health conditions of the former CEO. "We are sorry for Marchionne's sanitary conditions – says Aniello Guarino – we expected him to come and talk to us about the new model. from car to produce. "Manley is not Italian, and this worries us, but he did a great job the Jeep". Gerardo Giannone, forklift driver, remembers Marchionne's first visit. "I was working on the badembly of the Alfa 147 – he explains – he suddenly decided to turn his way and headed for the locker rooms, the bathrooms, on old abandoned lines. came back, he was furious and screamed saying that they did not have to hide the criticality There were conflictual seasons and continual postponements for the relaunch of our site, but in October we should have been certain of the new model, we hope that the new announcement will not upset everything and will not lead us to drift. "

Critical comments, like that of Mimmo Loffredo:" We should avoid the sanctification of Marchionne Pomigliano had been l? one of the few institutions to hold during the crisis with successful productions, but was conceived as the worst to impose the new rules. Someone else believes that Manley "will change the whole plan". "We are back in the layoffs – says Antonio – that the new car does not know by the time Marchionne in 2008 wanted to close this plant, and now with the English what will happen ? "

From base to top, uncertainty takes different nuances, but there is a common denominator: the replacement of Marchionne by Mike Manley and the release of Alfredo Altavilla from the key role leadership of the group's European activities are causing criticism and concern. Which direction will be taken? The industrial plan presented a month and a half ago in Balocco, which aims to invest 9 billion in the electric car sector and use the Jeep brand as a ram's head in China, will remain the same? But most importantly: will Manley be able to hold Marchionne's legacy? After "the best", to put it in the letter used by John Elkann in the letter to the employees of the group, will the new director general succeed in repeating the results of the last decade?

On this last question, the doubts and fears not only of the management, the union world and the workers, but also the markets. At today 's meeting, the Agnelli galaxy has burned more than 2.3 billion euros, with free fall titles at Piazza Affari: Ferrari -4.88%, Exor – 3.2%, Chn -1.7%, Fiat Chrysler – 1.5 percent. Same copy of Wall Street. The abrupt movements that for the Morgan Stanley business badyst are meant to last until Manley unveils the cards. According to the title of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, one must expect "greater volatility until the new management clearly communicates its position on strategic priorities". Pesa not only the release of Marchionne, but also the farewell of Altavilla, one of four competitors for the estate, who decided to leave also to devote himself to his new role as a member Tim's board of directors. An output, that of Altavilla, which grafted other concerns, especially among the unions, who considered the director of Taranto as a guarantee on the front of production in Italy. Still Palombella: "Altavilla was the number two FCA and especially an Italian, not only: it was a man from the South, it was a guarantee."

The world of badysts confirms the concerns related to the mandate entrusted to Manley. With the exception of Standard & Poor's, according to which the FCA's ratings and outlook remain unchanged as with Manley there will be no "deviation" from the strategy announced on the 1st June, the chorus of skepticism is unanimous. Manley at the head of Jeep and head of Ram has made a "key contribution to FCA's success in recent years, but the market" will likely remain doubtful as the new CEO can live up to Marchionne, "stressed UBS badysts Banca Akros: "It is possible that speculation on M & A (the operations that lead to the merger of two or more companies) is starting again, now that the company's management is 39 "is weakened so sharply." By Mediobanca Securities: "From an operational point of view, we believe that Manley is the right person to continue with the new plan. On the other hand, this is probably not enough for investors: Manley will have to convince the market to be a successful negotiator because m & a will probably remain one of the main drivers the price of FCA shares. "

" These are the people who make the Ferrari special, "said Marchionne to revive the red horse race, opening the work of Gec di Maranello, the operating body that brings together the leaders of the group, Elkann used the same words, try to keep Fca on the right path.

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