Fca collapse of sales: minus 19% compared to June 2017


Registrations dropped drastically: nearly 20% less than in June 2017. The FCA group sold 43,343 cars to Italy in June, 19.3% less than in the same month of 2017. "On the results for the month of June The Group's decision, led by Marchionne, to favor sales to private customers rather than those on other significantly less profitable channels, weighs on the first half of the year. of the FCA Group, the Italian market in the first half is up slightly (+ 1.71%). "This is reflected in the Centro Studi Promotor which confirms the forecast for the full year of sales substantially at 2017 levels, slightly below the threshold of two million records.

Obviously, the impact on records is negative, with a general decline of 7.25% .The uncertainties on the political situation that characterized the first half of the year and the r In addition to these braking elements, even the perplexities of diesel car owners were negatively affected by the choice of the new car.

July 2, 2018 (change July 2, 2018 | 21:40)


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