FCA, Fim Cisl: "Manley follows the path marked out by Marchionne"


From Mike Manley Successor of Sergio Marchionne at the head of the FCA, unions expect a "continuity". For Ferdinando Uliano national secretary of the Fim-Cisl, Manley will continue on the road of his predecessor and accelerate the realization of the industrial plan presented on 1 June in Balocco.

We have a name, Mike Manley is the successor of Sergio Marchionne, head of the FCA. Qu & # 39; you expect?
"We are waiting for confirmation and acceleration of what was announced in Balocco's plan: Manley is the one who worked in the Marchionne group: this is for us an important element of continuity., One of the most important group that has planned a reinforcement of production in Italy, we expect it to continue in this direction. "

Continuity especially compared to what?
"Compared to the choices made within the FCA Board in recent years, it is important: choices have been made that have strengthened the global car industry sector, both in terms of 39, employment and profitability all over the world.As for Italy, we expect a very short full employment result for all Italian employees, it means for us to accelerate investments and schedules on the factories Mirafiori and P omigliano D 'arco, which are the most important emergencies in terms of employment, since we have limited use of social safety nets. "

We are still faced with a turning important
"Absolutely." Marchionne represented the manager who, together with the current executive board of the group (GEC) has saved two very important companies such as Fiat and Chrysler who risked bankruptcy by making a global player, to compete with major international car manufacturers. This is the road we must continue to travel. Marchionne has been able to bring the group to these levels, we hope that the road that will be traced goes in that direction. "

What Marchionne Report Has to the Unions?"
"Marchionne led to discussing organizational knots to make plants competitive. He asked the unions to badume responsibilities, to make courageous choices, just as brave being the choices made by the company to come out of bankruptcy. For his part, he respected the commitment that was taken to invest in Italian factories, with the aim of saving the occupation. "

Do you have a special memory of your relationship with your unions? 19659003]" In 2012, when I started to follow the group, we experienced a situation where the Italian market was a disaster: sales of all the groups were down 50% and Fiat accounted for 30% of the national market, so he had suffered a major merger. I remember that after two or three months of deferred investment in the Mirafiori factory, Marchionne arrived at the Lingotto meeting with the unions – after a series of internal discussions – and very directly, as he used to do. For us, he told us, "It's time to make choices for people of courage." A complete revision of Italian productions was envisaged. The courageous choice, "not for the faint of heart" was to produce cars in other Italian factories in Italian factories, so do not be alone in the Italian borders

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