At the meeting of July 5, 2018 at the Ministry of Labor with the Confederates, the multinational express transport agreed to transform the dismissals into an internal program of relocation and voluntary exodus
The dispute over 361 layoffs and 115 transfers announced last February by FedEx and TNT, following the merger of the two companies, seems to close on July 5 after a long negotiation with the confederal unions (preceded by a few days of strike) Ministry of Labor. According to the same unions, the two companies agreed to withdraw both the dismissals and the transfers, transforming them into an agreement providing for internal resettlement or incentives to voluntary exodus, with a training program for all, both those who stay and those who decide to leave the company. In addition, FedEx is committed to ensuring the priority of reabsorption of workers if it needs new employees. From the first information, workers considered to be licensed in TNT should switch to FedEx and this process should end on April 30, 2019.
"It is important to have obtained the necessary job guarantees with the maintenance of regulatory and regulatory rights wages within the company both for those who risked the dismissal and for whom the transfer, following the closure of its branch, with the agreement we We have managed to maintain jobs especially in the South where there is not enough opportunity to be relocated, "commented Giulia Guida, Filt Cgil's national secretary and Filt Cgil's Antonio Pepe.
Maurizio Diamante, national secretary of Fit Cisl, emphasizes that "once again the negotiation is confirmed as a decisive tool to solve more complex problems" and seizes the opportunity to ask the government to reopen the logistics table at I was economic development: "This sector urgently needs legality and rules, because from cyclists to wildcat strikes, through dumping and corporate crises, there are many knots to slow down which slow down their growth. "
In the negotiations preceding the July 5 meeting, Uiltrasporti took a position different from the other two acronyms refusing to sit at the table with only the entrepreneurial counterpart and only requesting meetings at ministerial level. "This choice has been confirmed," says Secretary General Claudio Tarlazzi, after which we have succeeded to obtain the best possible agreement and we have been able to take significant measures regarding the availability of companies before the last meeting ".
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