Fermo, find the two missing seventeen years in Pescara


  Fermo, the twoteenteen missing in Pescara

The twoteenteen years of Fidenza (Parma), disappeared from a campsite in Marina di Altidona (Fermo) Friday afternoon, were found in Pescara. To signal the presence of both girls to the transmission "Who saw?" it was a young man from L'Aquila, who had met them on the beach of Pescara on Saturday. The boy, at the suggestion of the transmission, then contacted the police and the police, to allow the discovery.

Gaia Fiorentini and Gaia Maria Perbado were located around 8:30 pm Monday on the coast of the city of Pescara. In addition to reporting to "Who saw", the search, coordinated by the police station of Fermo, had moved to the city of Abruzzo in consideration of some reports related to the private elements of girls, which made one think to a southward move

"They're fine and that's the important thing – said lawyer Cristina Perozzi, of the Red Cross Walk that helps the Perbado family – now parents can kiss again. "

The fuga – The two girls had left the Mirage camp, where they had spent a week with Gaia Fiorentini's parents. The Fermo prefecture had activated, at the request of families, the procedure for missing minors. From the beginning, the preferred track was the one of voluntary suppression

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