Ferrero is looking for 90 Nutella tasters and more. The sweetest job in the world is coming soon


A very sweet job ad and that will surely make everyone crazy. The job offer comes directly from Ferrero, who seems to be looking for Nutella tasters . The announcement was published on the website openjobmetis, according to which the Piedmontese company would be looking for sensory judges, who would have the task of tasting the semi-finished products and all the raw materials from cocoa ending in hazelnut cream. Ferrero would like to entrust these taster functions to these external collaborators. The place of work would be Alba and it is necessary to a two-day commitment a week. In general, however, we speak of sensory judges but in reality Ferrero is looking for Nutella tasters and we can say that it would really be everybody's dream since the nutty cream produced by the Nutella The company in question seems to be the most loved and the most requested in the world.

The confiserie of the Colosseum published this announcement of a work that has already made noise And especially there were many who have already responded to the announcement, your application. The company informs that it intends to call 90 tasters to be able to edit the semi-finished products and raw materials from different types of cocoa and hazelnuts that are used to produce the most famous desserts of the male piedmont.

Workplace as we have said is the city of Alba and a maximum commitment of 2 days per week is required. The most incredible thing is that there does not seem to be any requirement, let alone any previous experience. Until now, this task has been entrusted by the company to internal employees, but it now seems that Ferrero wants to test the products, that some employees do not work and does not seem to require qualification or even d & # 39; Specific expertise.

The elected representatives will in any case choose an internship which will last about 3 months and will begin on September 30 and will only serve to tame the sense of smell and taste . Of these 93 chosen, they will be skimmed and have 40, then divided into two fanels of 20 each. These will need to participate in a course that will teach new judges the right terms to describe each type of sensation coming from their students' tastes. At the selected Inoltr and a part-time work contract will be offered and will have to be compatible with other work. The company says that it is important not to have allergies and to have a good knowledge of the computer to be able to apply.

Here is the second place in the world entirely dedicated to the cream Ferrero much loved all over the world, or the Nutella. This is really good news for all Golosi della Nutella, since New York prepares to host the Nutella cafè that could open its doors. here the end of the year near Union Square . In fact, it's the second largest in the world after one that was inaugurated about a year ago in Chicago and that is literally and exclusively dedicated to all Ferrero products.

This shop seems to get very good results and for this reason Ferrero decided to open a second store this time in New York. As already mentioned, this could open near Union Square which, for those who do not know it, is one of the busiest places in the metropolis. Yes, he thinks that the store can officially open before the end of the year, but for the moment there is no specific date for the inauguration.

"The incredible response we got in Chicago prompted us to open another room and continue to say the uniqueness and versatility of our beloved product", says Rick Fossali, vice president of operations at Nutella Cafè "As a global multicultural epicenter, New York gives us the opportunity to explore and offer new opportunities for taste Nutella, reaching millions of tourists who visit the city ", adds Fossali,

. But let's try to understand what can actually be eaten inside. this Nutella coffee. Of course, the best-known cream spread in the world will be the real queen and it will be a kind of bar-restaurant where guests can enjoy yogurt and ice cream, pancakes, pancakes, waffles, chopsticks and many others. nutella . It seems that there will also be other more simple and nutella-free dishes such as sandwiches and salads as well as various beverages including milk and Nutella.

One of the long-term characteristics of Ferrero production is given by the product. confectionery: the "core business" of the company is essentially represented by this sector; in the course of the history of the company, there are some productive diversifications, but when they occur they always present themselves as junctions in the continuity, they are always correlated and result from prudent weighting, accurate market badysis and accurate production schedules. , when Pietro Ferrero invents the "gianduja pasta" – which can be considered as "the origin" of most Ferrero products – and begins to produce "giandujot", a sweet made of hazelnuts, sugar, milk, cocoa and butter The powder, kept in sheet and sold in slices, was a resounding success and the production of "giandujot" increased from 3 quintals from February 1946 to 1111 in November of the same year. At the beginning of the year 1947, Pietro puts on the market the "Cremino", the individual package, 21 grams, of "gianduja pasta", sold 5 lire

In 1949 it is the turn of the " Supercrema ", a bread spreading cream sold in pots and glbades that is considered the precursor of" Nutella ". From the beginning of the 50s, it is especially Michele Ferrero who is mainly engaged in production. Particularly attentive to innovations, the first "creation" of Michele dates back to 1951 with the "Sultanino", a small chocolate bar for children, where he replaced cocoa butter with coconut butter; the production of "Sultanini" rose from 60 quintals in December 1951 to 2,800 in December 1952. In July 1953 Michele launches "Cremablock", a small chocolate filled with hazelnuts, 36 grams, sold 30 lire; this product is so enormously successful that, if the total production of the second half of the year rises to 4,000 quintals, it jumps to 48,000 quintals the following year; in 1954, the "Cremalba", a cake made from milk powder, coconut butter, egg powder and sugar, with 40,000 quintals produced the same year. With these latest products, the more the "Cremino" and with the exception of the "Cremalba", sold in 200 grams, the company, unlike other companies in the sector that are still targeting expensive luxury packages, reached a mbad market focuses on "minimum size", simultaneously taking advantage of the psychological element given by the characteristics of freshness, quality, hygiene and high customization of the product.

"We are particularly interested in following the product in all its phases: Michele Ferrero in 1966 in one of the few published interviews – when it is divided into crude oil, when it takes shape, when it leaves the # When he arrives in the shops and finally when he enters the houses where judgment will be rendered. A judgment that can make our fortune or our fall. "

In 1957, with the construction of the Allensdorf factory in Germany, a first junction took place, and with" My Darling ", a Praline-cherry intended for a very first, especially on the German market – "A bit of the blur charm of the South" is the advertising that accompanies the product – the company enters the praline market. Also the production of "My Cherì" which obtains an immediate and astonishing success: the 90 quintals produced per day in 1957 reach 200 the following year, to reach 500 million pieces in 1966, until becoming soon the praline more sold in Germany Finally, in 1964 appears the "Nutella", a cream spread consisting of sugar, vegetable oils, hazelnuts (13%), lean cocoa, skimmed milk powder that gets a huge success: only in Italy sales of Nutella from 120 000 quintals in 1957 to 357 000 in 1999, and from the 1960s, "Nutella" quickly became one of the cult and ageless products of contemporary society. The "secrets" of the production of "Nutella" – jealously guarded like those of Coca Cola – are contained in the clever mix of vegetable oils – called "Nx" in the company – and in the very high quality hazelnuts and cocoa used in

During the sixties and seventies – in 1970, Ferrero is already a respected multinational, with a turnover of 120 billion 7,700 employees and a daily production of 5,000 quintals – a complex process of diversification of production, but still closely linked, no longer exclusively to chocolate, obtained by working not only hazelnuts but also cocoa – planned in the fifties by the production of "Ducalba", a bar of chocolate high quality black – also for bakery products, confectionery, beverages, precooked and semi-finished products.

In 19 61 comes out "brioss" which marks the beginnings of the company in the bakery sector, a line enriched in 1964 of "snack fiesta"; In 1968, it is the turn of "Kinder chocolate", a bar of milk chocolate filled with milk. In 1974 was created the "Kinder division", a complete range of children's food products which symbolically represents the philosophy of "product as a company" that identifies not only a product but a whole family of products. "In Michele Ferrero's philosophy – we read in one of the few jubilee stories of the company – some products are considered a full-fledged company. And, as such, it does not matter. There is no cycle of vision that runs out in a number of years, on the contrary, it must be able to regenerate itself by adapting to the different needs that come from new times or new markets. " . And in fact in the line "Kinder" after the chocolate bar and the eggs are added in 1975 "Kinder brioss", in 1976 "Kinder cerali", then "Kinder breakfast more" and "Kinder delice".

If the line "Kinder" is essentially geared towards the youngest Ferrero at the same time develops strategies for products oriented towards adults. In 1968, the "pocket coffee" was produced, a combination of chocolate and coffee; In 1969, the "Tic Tac" was launched, marking the entry of the company in the segment of "pastigliaggi" and, in 1972, with "Estathè", a single-dose non-alcoholic drink, Ferrero entered the sector cool drinks

. During the eighties, they followed many other products, such as "Ferrero Rocher" in 1982 or "Duplo" in 1987, or "Raffaello", all destined to resounding successes. In particular, "Ferrero Rocher" can be considered as the symbol of the history of confectionery: the heart of the praline is a nutty – the "Tonda Gentile delle Langhe" – covered with [Nutella]

with a layer on the wafer top, itself covered with chocolate flakes and hazelnuts. "Raffaello" represents a turning point in the production of pralines: the company abandons cocoa and concentrates on coconut and the heart of praline is represented by an entire almond, production differences that allow consumption even in the hottest months of the year. In the early 1990s, "Kinder Fetta al latte", "Kinder Pinguì" and "Kinder Paradiso" represent the entrance of the company in the fresh snacks sector, while in 1989 "Kinder gran sorpresa" marks the entry of the company into the Easter Egg Market. In the early years of the new century in the pralines of "Opera mini", "Garden" and Black Rond "In 2006," Gran Soleil "was launched, a sherbet proposed with different flavors – lemon, mandarin, pbadion fruit , coffee, vanilla, cappuccino – while in 2008, it was the turn of "Pocket espresso to go", a liquid chocolate with

Ferrero is currently on the market with a very wide range of products ranging from clbadic products, marketed under the brand name "Ferrero" ("Nutella", "Duplo", "Fiesta") to the range "Kinder", divided into snacks, perfect, eggs, brioche and mix, pralines ("My Cherì "," Pocket Coffee "," Ferrero Rocher "," Raffaello ") with candies (" Tic Tac "), drinks (" Estathé ") A fundamental characteristic of all Ferrero products is their marked differentiation, which makes them In addition, at the base of every product, there is not only an in-depth knowledge of the market and the tastes of consumers, but also precise and long-term studies on production processes and the search for raw materials of absolute quality. A true "product explosion", some with a long-term history, although it is continually renewed, which gets significant recognition: in the latest annual survey (2009) conducted by the Institute of World Brands reputation Ferrero is the company with the best reputation and reliability in the world.

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