Festival of Mind 2018. A desire for community in Sarzana


What does today mean community ? Do we still need that? And how can we guarantee sharing and tolerance without falling into fear and building ghettos?

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<figcaption> The logo of the event </figcaption></figure>
<p></span><span style= For its 15 years, the feast of the spirit in Sarzana (La Spezia) – the first festival in L & # 39; Europe dedicated to creativity and the birth of ideas, which extends from August 31 to September 2, chooses this theme as a search of the present.The need for community – explains the director of the event, Benedetta Marietti – embodies the spirit of the time Gi Aristotele defined the man as a social animal, but it is Zygmunt Bauman who inspired it with Voglia comunit (Laterza), in which he explains the loss of the borders of the current liquid society and the consequent difficulty to reconcile security and freedom

A focus on social issues the novelty of the XV edition where more than 60 international and non-international guests will intervene: philosophers, writers, scientists, zoologists, linguists, mathematicians, will hold lectio popular and unprecedented through the multidisciplinary that the soul of the festival.

Andrea Riccardi founder of the Community of Sant Egidio, will be inaugurated on August 31, which will take place on Comunit or the eclipse of the US (free event ); historian Anna Foa and Muslim writer Kamila Shamsie speak of a Jewish community; of School, Community, Justice Trat the philologist Federico Condello, while The secret community of the prison the theme of the director Armando Punzo. The sociologist Stefano Allievi will focus on immigration, the anthropologist Marco Aime on Nostalgia della comunit and the community understood as utopia will be the focus of attention on Adriano Olivetti. And then: Giuseppe Antonelli on the language as a common good; Carlo Alberto Redi and Manuela Monti on Comunit and Dna ; Mario Cucinella on architecture in the community

To build better communities we must start from the future: for this ample space given to children's laboratories (edited by Francesca Gianfranchi). This year DidatticaMente was born, workshops for teachers and educators on the topics of formation, such as Accessible Works for an Inclusive Community and a course to rediscover the importance of the I & # 39; writing. Children can play with technology, create a collective work, discover the added value of diversity with the writer Fausto Gilberti, walk around and participate in the show Scienza rap . Among the events, also the exhibition of drawings and watercolors by Simo Capecchi, Taccuini nel vento .

July 12, 2018 (modified July 12, 2018 | 21:13)

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