fewer services for migrants


The directive has been signed. Matteo Salvini puts his nose in the services for the reception of migrants with the aim of reducing waste and limiting the state expenditure for the reception. And this by revolutionizing the methods of implementation of services dedicated to immigrants. On the one hand, he decides to "differentiate" asylum seekers from refugees. On the other hand, it aims to reduce the daily per capita expenditure that the state is currently spending (as requested by the Court of Auditors).

The new home model will therefore work this way. As soon as an immigrant sets foot in the Belpese, or has already done so, and asks for the right to asylum, he will be sent to a reception center. But it will be reserved only for the minimum services : food, accommodation and first reception. While it is only once a form of protection, whether it is refugee status or international protection, social inclusion interventions will begin.

A real change, since 60% of asylum applications are rejected. In order to reduce costs, the Directive therefore provides for a differentiation of services depending also on the type of reception set up. For small structures consisting of individual dwellings located on the same territory or in contiguous zones, for example, a network of services will be created in order to realize economies of scale and thus economies. Small reception centers will have to share administrative services, linguistic-cultural mediation and regulatory information.

The greatest cost shock, however, will come from Anac who was asked to identify on the basis of standard reference prices and to create a new contract for the supply of goods and services. of services, "including calls for standard offers to which the prefects must submit for the preparation of competitions for competitions". Meals to the north and south and between one structure and another should therefore refer to these standard prices, avoiding waste or mischief. In this way, Salvini's reasoning should lower the auction base, which is now set at 35 euros per day for immigrants.

That is why today an agreement between Viminale and Anac has been signed. The initiative was taken by Interior Ministry who asked Anac headed by Raffaele Cantone to verify calls for goods and services for the reception of migrants. As stated by Giornale in a long investigation, in fact, often in the contracts stipulated by the prefectures with different cooperatives, srl and badociations hide the waste and the waste

According to the agreement drafted today, Anac " will provide technical and legal support for the development of different types of offers based on the different types of hospitality provided for in Italy ". Once the township and its offices have started their work, a standardization of procedures should be carried out, in order to help prefectures to make offers and save money.

" Appropriate use of resources It is in the interest of taxpayers only, but the migrants themselves, who are the first victims of an illegal and unscrupulous management of the centers, as the Have shown many cases of current events and numerous judicial inquiries in recent years said the president of Anac Raffaele Cantone . " With this agreement, the Anti-Corruption Authority makes its expertise available to prevent further hateful episodes of embezzlement ".

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