Financing microenterprises, Invitalia launches Resto al Sud application


An application to track in real time the progress of an application to receive incentives from Resto to
South of the government run by Invitalia. An instrument in line with the needs of young entrepreneurs from the South who are asking for financing to start a micro-enterprise in one of the 8 southern regions. Today, with the results of the first 6 months of incentive for young people from 18 to 35 years old, was presented by the CEO of Invitalia, Domenico Arcuri, in the presence of the Minister of the South, Barbara Lezzi

for a total investment of 52.3 million euros, they saw an average contribution of more than 66 thousand euros and an average contribution per employee of 8.222 euros, while the total demands were 11.420, of which 3,422 with a total of 255 investments, 4 million euros. The total facilities provided by the program amounted to 111.7 million euros, while the approved 789 facilities amounted to 24.7 million euros, with a projected employment of 3 004 people

And these are two young entrepreneurs from the South, one from Sardinia, the other from Abruzzo, among the 789 who accepted their candidacy from January 15th to today, to give their testimony in Rome by showing in real time the functionality of this application, downloadable for free from Google Play and App Store. Both praised the speed of the system by confirming that response times (in their affirmative case) were 2½ months.

"Today, Invitalia is nothing more, nothing less than a normal public company, which does its homework and in 2 months, it tells the citizen if the company is doing it. the idea that he produced can become a micro-enterprise or he's done something wrong and can not try to undertake "explains Arcuri

recipients of the incentives: the majority belongs to the group of 30-35 years (44%), 56% of whom have a high school diploma and 26% have a university degree. In addition, the female presence is equal to 41%, with an incidence
percentage that increases to 48% in the 26-29 age group. Among the 8 southern regions to which the program is dedicated stands Campania with 44% of applications submitted, both in Calabria and Sicily. While among the sectors of activity are the tourist and cultural activities to emerge in the demands with 50% of the total.

In the public area of ​​the App, activating push notifications, you can have information on the incentive, read news and know the dates of workshops and promotional events in Abruzzo , Basilicata, Calabria, Campania, Molise, Apulia, Sardinia and Sicily. The application also gives the possibility of seeking banks to receive the financial contribution and public bodies, universities and tertiary sector organizations able to give future entrepreneurs concrete and free help to "build" the project of society.

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