Fincantieri updates the records: Princess Cruises double order –


MILAN – Fincantieri enters "a new era of our industry, more and more oriented towards the reduction of the environmental impact". The shipyard's CEO, Giuseppe Bono, comments on the double contract signed by Princess Cruises, the trademark of Carnival Corporation, the world's leading cruise line company. The companies have signed a memorandum of understanding for the construction in Monfalcone of two next generation ships of 175,000 gross tons, which will be the largest up to now in Italy, with deliveries scheduled for the end of 2023 and the Spring of 2025. The units – reads a press release – will welcome approximately 4,300 pbadengers and will be based on a next-generation project, becoming the first of the Princess Cruises fleet to be powered mainly by natural gas liquefied (LNG or LNG). treats, according to Fincantieri, the most advanced propulsion technology and the lowest environmental impact of the shipbuilding industry, as well as the most environmentally friendly fossil fuel, which will reduce air emissions and the use of diesel ". announcement of two ships for TUI Cruises, a joint venture between TUI AG and Royal Caribbean Cruises, still with natural gas propulsion. In this case, the gross tonnage was 161,000 tonnes. With the news of today, the focus is once again on the Fincantieri stock market, with purchase orders that make positive action against a weak list of price (follow Fincantieri live).

Bono also commented We are proud to "extend our longstanding partnership with Princess Cruises, a brand to which we are linked by our return to the cruise industry in 1990". Bono concluded, "We are convinced that there are no more significant goals to reaffirm the market's established leadership, which allows us to maintain a strong relationship between our country and the group. Carnival, the largest foreign investor in Italy, while preserving increased employment. "Jan Swartz, president of Princess Cruises, also added:" The revolutionary platform of these new generation cruise ships powered by Lng will present an innovative design and a new way of designing holidays for our guests, an evolution of our offer. "Fincantieri, recalls the note, has built 85 cruise ships since 1990 (including 62 from 2002), of which 65 for different brands of the Carnival, while 49 others are under construction or under construction in the group's factories.

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