find alive the 12 young footballers living in a flooded cave


When hopes began to fade, the miracle happened: after nine days, the boys were found [VIDEO] trapped in the caves of Tham Luang in Thailand ]. According to the first news, the 12 members of the Mu Pa Academy football team all between 11 and 16 years old, and their 25-year-old coach are doing well. They had lost their tracks on Saturday, June 23, when they decided – after the usual training – to return to visit this wonder of nature, despite the ban of access in effect from June in November, just for the dangerousness of the place. Indeed, during the monsoon season, the entrance of natural caves, beyond a torrent to be crossed on foot, is flooded by heavy rains, becoming a potentially deadly trap for anyone there. 39; adventure.

against the nine day delay

The alarm for the disappearance of the boys was gone immediately, when the parents had not seen their children after the training. It was immediately understood that the group had unwisely pushed inside caves : indeed, a few meters from the entrance were backpacks and bicycles scattered already in In the past, they had visited this place, not far from the cities of Chiang Rai and Mae . From this moment the race against time [VIDEO] began to find alive young internally imprisoned: all those who know well natural cavities which extend on seven kilometers, have immediately explained that there was a good chance that the group is safe, despite continuous rains that increase the level of water more and more.

This is because inside there are some ravines still free of water, the temperature never drops below 20 degrees, while air is ensured by the small fractures in the rock that communicate with the

The rescue operations are not completed

The biggest problem came from the lack of food, while the l? Rainwater available prevented dehydration problems. I have never stopped for a moment to look for the missing, despite the continuous rains made operations difficult. The group of rescuers, led by Thai soldiers, has enriched, over the days, volunteers from around the world. Meanwhile, the boys' parents pitched tents near the caves, to keep a close eye on the situation. As research continued, the experts studied the conformation of the site and were able to guess what was the most likely point in which the youth could have taken refuge.

And indeed the divers found them, all alive and in good condition, about 400 meters from the cavity of Pattaya Beach an area completely left to dry during the floods. After what happened, the party would never have moved from there every day. The governor of Chiang Rai Province, Narongsak Osatanakorn explained that the boys' identified by the Thai Navy's special forces are all alive, but the operation is not over yet ". Thus, in the next hours, after having refreshed them, the rescuers will have to get them out of this breach far from the waters, which was their salvation.

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