Finding the missing seventeen years of camping


PESCARA. He reported to "Chi l ha visto" a boy from L'Aquila who had met them on the beach in Pescara on Saturday. Gaia Fiorentini and Gaia Maria Perbado, both seventeen years old from Fidenza (Parma), disappeared from a campsite in Marina di Altidona (Fermo) Friday afternoon were found thanks to him. The two, whose families had known each other for a long time, had left after a fight with their parents. Fermo prefecture activated the national protocol to search for girls while parents opened a Facebook profile to collect news and reports. "Do not be scared, mom is waiting for you," wrote the mother of one of the two girls on Facebook, who appealed to all who should have information: "S 'he you please – read in a post – help us find them ". 19659002] The young man, on the suggestion of transmission, made contact with the police and then with the police, who – after identifying them – organizes the return of the two teenagers to Fermo, where their parents are located.

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