"Fininvest increasingly international thanks to the core business"


Fininvest enjoys excellent health with 687.7 million profits. This figure is notably affected by the effects of the capital gain (for an amount of 611.5 million euros) realized with the sale of the subsidiary Ac Milan. Danilo Pellegrino a shy Milanese manager, joined the group in 1988. In an interview with Sole 24 Ore, he explains that the figures on the balance sheet are important, "but" last line is strongly influenced by the sale of Milan, a large capital gain, with which we have also partially returned from the investment made over the years, more than a billion. One of the most rebaduring aspects for the group is that "" all our activities are profitable, all the more significant as they enter a terrible market environment: the Italian advertising cake has decreased by 30%: from 9 to 6 billion. "

If today Fininvest is a" financial holding company focused on the media and publishing, in addition to its financial presence, how will it be? tomorrow? "Pellegrino points out that" the strategy of the group, underlined several times by the president Marina Berlusconi, is very clear. core business doing better things that we do better, and looking at more and more an international dimension.

Regarding general and free television, "is the DNA of Mediaset. Nobody denies the role of the new competitors, but the success of the World Cup confirms once again the validity of the choices of Pier Silvio Berlusconi and Fedele Confalonieri, as well as agreements with Sky and Tim. And at the same time, a pan-European alliance is under study and Mediaset wants to be the driving force. "Periodicals:" A lot of work has been done and we will continue to do so, but the magazine market is unfortunately what It is: for the future of Mondadori, where Ernesto Mauri made an incredible turnaround, we look at the books: the acquisition of Rizzoli, Marina's strategy expects to develop further , and even for antitrust reasons one can only think of the foreigner. "

Excellent relationship with Banca Mediolanum : Pellegrino observes that in difficult years" was the "crutch" financial statements of Fininvest, a guarantee of returns and coupons: Ennio and Mbadimo Doris ran very well # 39; company. The publishing and finance were clearing vessels: when we were struggling, there was the other: Mediaset and Mondadori could already come back to distribute coupons, but for now they preferred to keep money at home and patrimonializzarsi. In the future we will see, we are confident. "

On the challenge launched by the French Bol loré Pellegrino has no doubt: " We thought that he was a member and that it was 39; turned out to be a "pirate", as then defined French President Hollande. As you know, Fininvest and Mediaset sued Vivendi and claimed compensation: the courts will decide. We are convinced that we are right because the basic rule of business is Pacta Servanda Sunt: the agreements are respected. "

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