Finished with Tulliani | competition in recycling


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Finished stated that he was certain that he would succeed in proving his extranvity to the facts before magistrates

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Gianfranco Fini postponed to trial for allegation of money laundering in the investigation concerning the history of the house of Montecarlo . To decide the trial for the former President of the House was the head of Rome who ordered the charge for the same crime badumption also for the partner of Fini, Elisabetta Tulliani, his brother and father of the woman.

In judgment also the king of slot machines Francesco Corallo and five other suspects including the former deputy of Forza Italia Amedeo Laboccetta. The power of attorney disputes the criminal badociation for falsification, money laundering and tax evasion, according to the positions of the suspects.

From the non-transparent purchase and sale of an apartment in Montecarlo, bequeathed by Countess Annamaria Colleoni to the National Alliance, investigations had begun and then focused on Tulliani and Finished. The first trial hearing will take place on November 30th. Fini said that he will succeed in proving his "extraneity to the facts" before the magistrates.

Montecarlo's Accusations and Apartment

According to the charges, the disputed criminal badociation aimed to evade taxes and recycling for tens of millions of euros. The cleaned money that was later used in the purchase of real estate, in economic and financial activities.

The Montecarlo apartment on Princess Charlotte Boulevard 14 would end with the availability of Fini's partner's brother, Giancarlo Tulliani through two ad hoc created companies, again according to the PM's investigations. Tulliani investigators dispute the illegal profits that would have resulted from a recycling cycle of 7 million euros.

In the investigation, the capital gain, for more than 1.2 million euros, stemming from the sale of the apartment in Montecarlo, which, according to those who investigated, the Tulliani brothers had become owners, thanks to Corallo, he would also have created offshore companies referred to Tulliani.

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