Fipe-Tripadvisor, intended to stop false criticism – Brief


Agreement concluded in London between the Italian Federation of Public Exercises (Fipe ) and TripAdvisor for a better categorization of premises and activities and the fight against fraud. Among the main points of agreement will be the improvement of search filters on the travel site platform that will be applied worldwide following an explicit Italian request

Specifically – a note reads – The collaboration will lead to even more timely tracking and jointly, by TripAdvisor and merchants, critics on the platform to quickly report and verify the authenticity of potentially false reviews by individuals or agencies. The synergy will also favor a more detailed clbadification of the different types of businesses on TripAdvisor, notably through a sharper and immediate distinction between "service" restaurants and "non-service" activities (a category in which to take, by example).

It is also promoted a strengthening of search filters on TripAdvisor to allow users to more easily find the most suitable exercise for their needs considering already the parameters of the selection phase such as the price range , the category of restaurant, cuisine. Finally, a joint report on the online reputation of Italian restaurants is planned: once a year – explain the signatories of the agreement – FIPE and TripAdvisor will discuss the results that the world of Italian catering has achieved in the world. users' opinion of the country's main competitors.

The agreement also provides for the development of a possible "educational" campaign among current and potential users and customers, with the aim of providing advice for reading and writing. restaurant reviews on the net, to make them the most correct and useful.


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