First victim in Mexico among caravan migrants


RIO DE JANEIRO – His name is not known. We only know that he was 27 years old and was part of the migrant caravan. Like many, he was traveling on the roof of a big truck. Along the way, he lost balance and flew on asphalt. It is the first victim of this incredible march towards the American borders. An uninterrupted river of men, women and children who, from Honduras, Salvador and Guatemala, decided to walk to reach the southern shores of the United States.

Caravan of migrants from Honduras, thousands of people cross the border with Mexico

Many want to go to Florida, where they speak Spanish fluently, reside in large Latin communities and where other parents are waiting for them. But there are also those who want to reach Canada, a new promised land for many immigrants. For its laws of welcome and support, for the air of freedom breathed and the concrete possibilities of integration with work and new life. But walking is not a joke. This puts a strain on physical and psychological resistance. Mexican authorities, reprimanded by Donald Trump who decided to cut aid funds to three countries that were unable to stop the flow, are not raging. There is a tacit solidarity: the same conditions and aspirations. But the law must be respected in one way or another.



On foot, by bike, on wagons: the long march of the desperate people of Honduras


So, having received and provided curtains and beds covered by thousands of migrants, we try to dissuade ourselves with the good ones to continue. Difficulties in obtaining humanitarian asylum, the need to have many documents in order and already approved by the American consulates in the region are listed. A large part of the migrants took off by asking for pbadages and boarding buses and trucks in Mexico. Others are waiting for alternative solutions. The overwhelming majority resists and wants to go from the front.

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